
"What?", Ruffus shouted. "You are clearly trying to beat us."

"Of course not.", Archer said. "Only a little to you learn it.", he smiled.

"How about include mutations?", the sand boy proposed.

"Ok.", Archer said. "But then I'll use Aura.", he returned.

"I think it's okay to not use any.", the boy backed his previous statement. "What do you think guys?"

"I'm good in anyway.", Thomas replied.

"I'm on the same page.", Verns agreed.

"Lets start with simple notions of battle then we battle a little. We'll advance while pursuing the best way to everyone.", the leader explained.

The training was very simple. Posture and flow would resume all the initial training. He would introduce the posture and help all of them. Afterwards he will instruct them to get relaxed even if the posture changed a little as it was best suited for each one. Flow was based on being consistant instead of explosive.