Man of the moment

"Did you got any information about Penelope?", Aurora asked Leonard as they were already going into John's location.

"No but..."

"What?", she insisted on his answer.

"But her location is probably inside Archer's shelter.", he finished.

"Something must happened while she was looking for the treasure.", Aurora explained. "She must be okay but we are going to take her on our way back to the shelter."

"Understood.", he replied.

"No monsters so far, boss.", Reginald reported.

"Normal.", she said. "They are going to appear after some more time I think but then they will be annihilated again and again till the end of the day.", she explained.

Aurora knew that this was going to lead the boy to the upper ranks. So she needed to add him to her group at any mean necessary. And as they didn't have to fight anyone on the way the location was easily reached.