

"Repertoire?", Archer asked Nathaniel.

"Yes. It's a state you achieve in battle to have the better outcome while using all your powers and abilities. At high level battles if you don't have it your lost is certainly.", the angel said.

"Do you think that the girl I'm going to battle uses it?"

"I'm most certain about it after your description.", Nathaniel said. "But she can't keep it for long periods of times I think."


"I don't know for sure.", the angel said and continued. "She can have a problem maintaining the concentration or the worst scenario. She has so much perfection controlling that she uses for briefs moments."

"What the differences?", Archer asked being a little concerned.

"I'm not one of those but there were Angels that could predict enemies movements while in Repertoire.", the archangel explained.

"Without Virgo?"