Black Lightning

Archer was on the Arena's grandstand with his current team. At the main stage were his formers teammates entering the battlefield. The young King noticed that both adversaries had a unique way of attack but neither had a effective way to defend against each other. This was a battle to see which spear would stand last.

Ruffus was leading the team on the front. A little behind of him but not so much at his right was Sophia with two blades at her waist. Thomas and John were much more behind the other two as they were the backline firepower.

"What do you think?", Aurora asked Archer upon seeing their formation.

"What do you really want to know?", he returned.

"Is this the best they can do?"

"If you isolate this team alone with all the members available, no.", he answered dryly.

"So this can be somewhat good if take in consideration that are enough people to two parties.", she concluded.