Ruffus' team vs. Black Lightning

"I ShaLL BAniSh ThosE whO ArE nOT RelaTED To THIS BAttlE!", the Black Drak said and from the sky the dark clouds started to fall on the ground.

Three main points were focused by it. One to each Drake so each battle was isolated from one another and this generated some kind of balance. The Black one was fighting Ruffus and his team but now couldn't see the others. Sophia was locked together with him as she came back to help. Reginald and Penelope were fighting the Red but now without Barbara ranged support. Lefting the Ice Horned to Aurora and her team.

The Black and Red were the most worrisome ones. Both were passing through changes on their bodies and minds. Most the one facing Ruffus and Sophia. This one could be called a Lesser Dragon already instead of a Drake.