Cardinal Tournament (25)

"It's my opportunity.", Cardinal thought out loud. "YOU. DON'T TRY TO RESIST.", he started flying into Archer's direction normaly he'd aprehend but this time he was going for the kill.

"Not my style.", the Monkey King replied and fastly aimed the staff to the enemy's shoulder.

Cardinal didn't understood what happened to the Dragon and what they talked so that the giant being leave without any more questioning. Maybe some mind control but having this much difference on power there was no way for him to fear the approach. So when the attack hit and pushed against his shoulder putting it out of place he fastly retreated.

"This will be considered resistance and more aggresive measure will be taken.", he was saying as this was needed and because a normal student would think twice. A normal one which wasn't Archer's case ann it wasn't even Archer that was controlling the body.