Memories (2)

After Jin Qing left, Shao Lin looked at Long Mei, whose expression was flushed and cold.

"Do you know Mr. Jin?" Shao Lin questioned.

Long Mei looked startled. She grabbed for her tea, shaking her head. "No. Don't be foolish."

Shao Lin narrowed her eyes, and she gaped at her younger sister-in-law. "You do know him!"

Long Mei coughed over her drink. "Perhaps you're not as easily gullible as I thought you were."

Shao Lin ignored that remark. "Why do you pretend you don't know him?"

Long Mei sighed. "Because if I had truly forgotten the last two years, then I wouldn't know him."

Shao Lin gasped. "You remember everything?"

Long Mei nodded. "I don't think I could ever forget. The last two years shaped me."

"Then why…?"

"Sister-in-law," she began calmly. "If I told my family I did, then there would be too many questions. Too many concerns. I don't want them to worry about me, so I lied."

"But why…?" Shao Lin could not wrap this around her mind.