Big Sister: (1)

Long Xia woke up the following day with Yuan Bojing spooning her.

He must have felt her wake because he slid his hands to her breasts, squeezing them, rousing her further to make a sound. She stifled a moan. 

Since before their hospitalization, they had not had sex, so Long Xia had been extra sensitive to his advances since then. 

Long Xia attempted to ride him shortly after returning home, but it turned out she was, indeed, hurting Yuan Bojing physically. He said he was not hurting, but she knew it was a lie from how he groaned—not from pleasure but pain.

They had tried to do other things, but it always ended up being too rough and fast, and Long Xia had to be the one to stop them from going all the way, knowing Yuan Bojing could tear a stitch or two during his recovery period.