My Girl

Luo Nuying felt like she was flying high. She couldn't believe that Long Kun reciprocated her feelings and he was with her now, no less!

He had been coming over to her apartment every night. He'd leave some of his stuff here like this place belonged to him too. They'd spend time cuddling, but they never went beyond kissing. Not because Luo Nuying did not want to go all the way with him, but because every time she did, men always leave her. 

Her feelings for Long Kun was more intense than anything she'd ever felt before, and she was scared he'd leave her too. 

Luo Nuying trusted Long Kun, but her past issues kept getting in the way. Long Kun had been patient with her, although. He never pushed her or forced her to do anything she did not want to do. He'd go along with anything she was comfortable with.