Unmarked (MYG)

*Soulmate type: First words said by your soulmate to you are written on your wrist since the age of 6.*

//Yoongi's Pov//

In this world everything is determined by one thing. One small, insignificant think that would seem ridiculous to some. The small thing being ink. But it isn't just any type of ink that you may use to write on paper. Oh no, it was special ink that determined your future. Ink that wrote the words that no one else would say but your destined second half. The ink being soulmate ink which created your soulmate mark.

The soulmate ink comes in three colours. The colours being red, blank and white (white being the colour everyone wished was not on their wrist). Each colour symbolising something about your long awaited soulmate: Red ink symbolises having met your soulmate. White ink means your soulmate is dead. Black ink shows that you have yet to meet your destined one.

Those three colours were the only colours that existed. The ONLY colours. Then what does no ink mean?

I ask that question to myself every single day. I think about that in the morning. In the afternoon. In the shower. During concerts. Even before bed. Why am I so hung up on no ink, you wonder? Well that's easy. Its because I don't have a single mark on my pale, unmarked arm.

Yes, I'm unmarked. I can still remember on my 6th birthday the excitement that I was feeling because it was finally time to find out if I have found my soulmate. The clock had struck 4:54, the exact time of my birth, but the mark had yet to appear. I clearly remember my parents telling me that it might take time.

An hour passed.

Its still clear.

Two hour


1 day

Not a single line

1 week

Still as clear as it was at birth

1 month

You can guess the answer.

At this point I knew that it wouldn't show up. The disappointment on my parents face when they saw my unmarked arm forever engraved in my mind. They had never been so interested in me before, but when my 6th birthday had came, I finally felt worthy of their love. But it was short lived. Seeing no mark turn up, they disappeared from my life just like that. To think this whole soulmate thing caused me to feel so useless.



Soulmates became the one stupid word I wished never existed.

"Yah Yoongi, what are you thinking about?" Jin's voice snapped me out from those horrible nightmares that had began to resurface after I started to stare at my unmarked arm. To think even after 18 years my mark had yet to surface. The world must truly hate me for being myself to torture me to a life of isolation.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Another chirpy voice asked but this one belongs to one of the maknaes. "Yeah I'm fine, Taehyung. What do you want?" "Umm..Hyung we need to go on stage in a few so the staff said to get ready." "Okay... where are Jungkook and Namjoon?"

"They are with their soulmates. They said they-" Someone replied yet I couldn't care who. It was that wretched word again.

Without knowing, I had gotten up and walked out of the room. I could hear the yells after me but I didnt care. I just ran away. Not knowing where but knowing I had to get away from that room. My feet took me on a journey, weaving passed the hundreds of people in the hallway trying to find a place to be on my own. Somewhere I could drown in self pity and angst by myself without being looked and mocked at. And I knew the exact place. The bathroom.

I released a sigh of relief that I didn't know I had held in. Looking up at my face in the mirror, I saw my dead eyes that never shone like the others did and it made me feel even more hatred fro myself. If only I was born as someone else, then I could be happy, I thought. But no matter how much I think that, reality never changes.

Minutes passed as I continued to look at my pale self in the mirror before the sound of ARMY filtered through the walls. It was nearly time to perform. I had to go back.

I calmed, fighting if the demons as I remembered the smiling faces of our fans, and started making my way back to the stage. The group was complete and I was the last to join the huddle. I could tell Jin hyung had told Namjoon about what had happened. His face said it all.

"Im fine. Come on lets go. ARMY are waiting." I gave them the 'I'm fine look' before getting my wrist bandage from my stylist. Every idol was expected to wear one so fans didn't mess with fate and fake being your soulmate. But for me Ii did it for another reason. To not get humiliated.

After all, I don't have a single line on my unmarked arm. After ensuring it was tight, I ran back to the group -who were all huddled in a circle with a space for me. We quickly did our cheer and walked to our assigned lifts and the concert began.

All was well and I was able to forget about my unmarked skin. I enjoyed concerts for this reason. They were tiring but helped you forget things easily. I was enjoying myself, to the point I put my hand out to the crowd to high five some fans, forgetting that it wasn't the smartest of idea's. Numerous fans grab on to my bandage pulling on it, one pulling on the end of it causing it to unravel.

The white bandage had began to dance as the wind from the fans blew on it, fastening the process of its escape. I pulled my arm back in panic trying to protect the one secret I didn't want going out to the world, but the fan refused to budge. I could see the other ARMYs yelling at that fan to let go and forcefully taking the fans hand away from the bandage.

After a large jerk, the fan had left the bandage as I quickly placed my arm to my chest to keep it from being seen. The boys had ran over after seeing the commotion, after I didn't rap my part. Jin hyung took me back stage whilst trying to talk to me but all I could think about was my unmarked arm.

"They saw it."

"They saw my unmarked arm."

"They are going to hate me. Leave me like everyone else."

My heart was pounding to the point I felt nauseous. I needed to calm down. To breathe. I knew that I could collapse now. So taking a few minutes to recover, I walked back on stage with a fake smile plastered on my face and continued on. 1 hour to go. I counted, staying as far away from the edge of the stage.

*After the concert*

I had returned to my music room-Genius lab- after coming back from the concert. The boys were worried but I told them I needed some space. They understood and left me alone whilst telling me they were always here if I needed them.

Composing helped me calm down usually yet this time I was far from becoming calm. In the back of my head, all I could think about was what ARMY would think if they did actually see my unmarked arm. Curiosity had taken over and I had to see if they were talking about it on twitter.

The idiom curiosity kills the cat held truth, as all I could see whilst scrolling was what had happened at the concert a few hours ago. Majority of the comments were telling the fan off for his/her behaviour, whilst the other were on the soulmate side of things. There were comments that said that the reason for my reaction to the whole incident was because I have already found my soulmate.

They couldn't be farther from the truth I thought.

Other said it was because I didnt want others faking to be my soulmate. But one comment stood out the most. One which had 125.5 K likes. One that was spot on.

"I was there at the concert in the pit when it happened. When that 'fan' pulled Suga's wrist band off. To my surprise, I didnt see anything. It looked clear. I don't think there was anything there. I don't think it was covered by make up either. Maybe Suga doesn't have a soulmate and that is why he reacted that way."

Someone knew. My heart literally dropped. Someone actually knew and 125.5 K more people actually liked it so they too knew. What did they think? Did they think I was faulty like my parents did? Am I going to get those disgusted glares again? The ones that show disappointment?

By now composing was long gone. Without realising, my body had gotten up and ran out into the streets. I didn't know were I was going. Heck Ii didn't care. All I wanted to do was run. Run away from everything. My problems. This soulmate business. My life. I wanted it all to end.

When I had finally stopped to catch my breath and had snapped out of my own head, I realised I had ended up somewhere I didn't recognise. Looking around it was a desolate place with not much life or colour in. It looked like an array of haunted houses. It was creepy but serene. It had a calming effect and that was exactly what I needed.

Continuing to walking down the street, my ears picked up a breath taking melody. It was a beautiful melody which told the story of heartbreak and disappoint but it had something else. That something was what intrigued me the most.

My feet began to move on their own as though caught in a trance. Reaching my destination I was faced with a picturesque scene. One straight out of a fairy-tale. There in the middle of an array of flowers was the most breath taking girl playing the most amazing melody that I have ever heard. She was so focused she hadn't realised my presence so I just stood there quietly listening to the serene melody.

The melody contained everything that calmed me down and made me forget the reason for leaving my studio. I felt much more relaxed then I had ever been. There was something about it that moved me and wanted to listen to it on repeat. Something so familiar yet so unique.

It had then hit me. This was what my music piece was missing. Feeling. Emotion. I had forgotten the most crucial piece in music that makes Bangtan, Bangtan. Without realising it, I had opened my mouth and spoke out my thoughts,

"This is what I'm missing"

Almost as though she was turned into a statue the girl stopped playing and instead turned her head towards me. The shocked expression on her face was staring right at me and to tell the truth I felt a bit uncomfortable. She waved her hands around for a bit and then just sat there looking anywhere but me. There was an eerie silence surrounding us for a while till I decided to slice through the uncomfortable atmosphere and talk.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. Carry on playing. It was really beautiful."

I wasn't the type to compliment people yet the words came out really easily which had me shocked. I had no idea why it was so easy but I left that thought in the back of my mind.

Seeing as she wasn't going to do anything, I walked up to her and the piano (not knowing where i had gain my confidence from) and sat down next to her. My hands had automatically moved towards the keyboard as I began to play the exact same melody she was playing. I somehow knew how to play the whole thing including the parts I hadn't heard before.

I could see that she was looking at me in shock but I was too far into playing the song that I hadn't realised that she was also smiling and was beginning to join in. She had joined in on the next bridge which came as quite a shock as she wasn't playing the same notes but instead playing Fur Elise which complemented the current melody perfectly.

We had continued to play for god knows how long. Changing songs and playing random notes together. I had instinctively started to smile and laugh whilst she too smiled looking like she was having the time of her life.

After roughly an hour of us playing randomly together, to both our dismays we stopped playing to take a break. We were both smiling really bright and honestly I thought I was sitting in front of an angel with her angelic and goddess like smile. She had saved me from falling down to the underworld and I was forever grateful.

Though this time the silence was comfortable, I decided to say something. "That was fun! You're a good pianist. How long have you played for?"

I waited for an answer but I was met with silence which confused me. I thought we were getting along considering we just played together for a good hour or so. Thinking she's probably shy, I thought it would be better to introduce myself first.

Knowing it was risk to say my name considering I was an idol and she may be a fan, I had the urge to tell her a fake name. Yet, that urge was outweighed by the feeling in my chest in which I listened to, and told her my true name.

"Umm.. My name is Min Yoongi. Can you tell me yours?"

Again silence. I was getting slightly uncomfortable as she just looked down and didn't say anything. "Look I'm sorry for disturbing you when you were playing. You're a really good player and without this I wouldn't have found what I was missing in my new piece. So thanks."

Again silence "Okay...Umm... I guess I should go... It was nice meeting you..."

I stood up to leave to only feel her hand grab my arm and make me sit down again. I was confused why she did so if she wasn't going to say anything. It was then I saw that she was writing something in her notebook.

'I'm mute' It read. I instantly felt slightly guilty in pushing her to speak when she couldn't. Wanting to apologise I got up to bow but she shook her head and wrote: 'Don't apologise. It isn't your fault. Thanks for the compliment Min Yoongi. Im YN.'

I felt weird. Something moved in me when she wrote my name and told me hers. She carried on writing whilst I stared at her with some weird feeling in my stomach.

'I'm sorry.... I'm sorry for everything...Please don't hate me' Tears had began to fall from her glossy eyes and I felt something pang in me. "What? Why are you apologising? And why would I hate you? Please don't cry."

My hand lifted to clear her tears from her rosey cheeks as she carried on sobbing. I didn't know why but I had a strong urge to comfort her, so I very slowly took her into an embrace whilst combing her hair with my hand.

"It's okay." I cooed as I felt her calm down. ''I won't hate you.''

After a while her sobs calmed to little sniffles as I let her out of my embrace. She again got her notebook and wrote 'I need to show you something.'

As she said that she lifted her sleeve and my eyes opened in shock. There engraved on her skin were the words "This is what I'm missing" the exact word I projected when I first saw her.

My mind was racing. This means she's my soulmate. But I don't have anything on my wrist. How? As I struggled to comprehend what was happening, Yn had place her shaking hands on mine. I looked at her in question, to which she only smiled before it finally clicked. She is mute so couldn't say anything to me. I had found my soulmate!

Tears had formed in my eyes as I finally found the one. I had a soulmate this whole time! My past worries had evaporated instantly and all I felt was revelation. I turned back to Yn as it all sunk in but all I saw was her shaking quietly to herself. I thought over what had happened to realise that my reaction could have been taken as a rejection. I took her into my embrace and truthfully told her my surprise and happiness. I got her to look at me though her wet eyelashes and smile before I felt a tingle on my wrist.

I lifted my sleeves, still with Yn in my embrace, to see weird lines being engraved on my wrist. As I watched in curiosity, I saw Yn had also lifted her sleeve now showing her red words. She moved her wrist closer to me as we both watched the lines on my wrist turn red too. I had truly found my other half.

The mark was soon formed giving YN the opportunity to trace her hands over the words, smiling. I looked at her as she reached for her notebook, writing:'Its the words I first signed when I heard you say those word'

"What does it say then?"

She shook again but this time I could tell she was laughing instead of crying. I was getting curious as she scribbled down the words in her cursive writing.

'Holy Sh**'

I was trying to stifle my laughter as she wrote the words down on paper. I never expected her to be the type to swear. It look's like we truly are soulmates. 'Hey stop laughing!!! It just happened. I didn't mean to swear. You were just more handsome than I thought my soulmate was going to be.'

I reached out and took her into a tighter embrace. She was making me feel so special right now and loved. I mean who else will come up with that nonsense except my gorgeous princess?

''Handsome? That's a first. But thanks Love. "

I watch as she blushes at the use of love before tunnelling into my chest to hide her flustered state. My chest rocks as a laugh runs through me watching her cute reactions. I comb my hands through her hair before moving a strand behind her ear. Closing the distance I whispered into her ear, "I love you, don't you ever forget it."

I felt 100% certain with that. I knew what the weird feeling in my stomach was when I had first met her and was 100% sure that I would never regret saying these word so easily.

'I love you too.'

Those word were not needed to be written down. It was obvious that was her answer as she placed her lips on my own. For the first time in my life, I felt complete. I have my 6 brother. The Bighit Family. And now my soulmate. Who else do I need?

"I finally found you my musical muse."
