Chapter 74: A Bad feeling.

Huang BoLin looks at Jin DongHai and he looks at him. Staring at each other doing nothing.

The girl that was acting was shocked, why isn't their reaction like other Gongzi!? What's the point of staring at each other!!! Help me up!

Jin DongHai was disgusted with the girl who stared with blaming eyes at him. I didn't push you! Nor did I trip you! You fall down yourself and you blame it on others!? WTF!? How can you be so shameless???

"Xiao Ju, pick this person up." Jin DongHai called, he didn't want to pick her up, she could come up with stupid ideas like this, who knows what she would do if he picked her up.

Liu Ju, who was following at a safe distance, came up. She directly pulled her up. Leaving her no time to act.

Stunned, the girl quickly stood up, with the help or with the force of Liu Ju. Even if she didn't want to, she has to get up or people will think she was deliberate.

Standing up, the girl quickly patted herself and smiled. "Thank you." She said lightly.

She glanced one more time at Huang BoLin reluctantly and left elegantly. Staying here would only make it worse, so running is the best action for now. She isn't that dumb, she can see the crowds are seeing her in a bad direction if this continues.

Jin DongHai rubs his forehead dumbfounded. She just left? Just like that? After all that???

Huang BoLin shook his head and sighed. They should go out less or choose to go to a more secluded place they go on an outing next time.


Heng JiangYan sat down and quickly drank a big gulp of water and let out a breath. The supplies are getting short. He had already sent a message to send more food. Although it's hard to take over a kingdom that is almost the size of his kingdom, it wasn't that hard too.

We have more military power, but they have more supplies of food than ours. Soldiers need to be full to fight. That's why the supplies are getting short.

Heng JiangYan runs with the soldiers in the early morning and eats breakfast after a quick shower. Training with weapons in mid-morning. Eat lunch and do combat training in the late morning. Rest in the early afternoon. More training in mid-afternoon and late afternoon. Eat dinner and go to bed.

That is the normal schedule for the soldiers who will fight front line, the logistics have more time for paperwork and managing.

A few days went by and the food supplies got here, but Heng JiangYan got a bad feeling about it. He told his subordinates to check it for any problems the food could have but couldn't find anything.

… but he trusts his instincts. He got a few animals to test it out and there aren't any issues found in the short term.

For now, that is. He just couldn't shake that bad feeling about the supplies…