CHAPTER 20: You until the end

Saying goodbye is not easy at all, saying goodbye is definitely too hard.Aki did not accept my goodbye and went everywhere to find me. He went to my home, streets and on favorite place, but he found nothing and no signs of me go there today. Me, Haruko and Haruko's friends go to the mountain for sight viewing of the sunset. 30 to 40 minutes of watching the sunset and we left. After walking down the to the mountain Haruko's friends said goodbye and left. Haruko stay with me to ensure that i can go home safely. When were at the street i said to Haruko that I'm now fine being here near to my house so Haruko left and said goodbye to me but when i got back to my house my step mother said that someone is finding me and i ask its name and the time that he went they said "He just went here a minute ago and named Aki". After hearing that i rush to find him but it's now dark and there's a lot people outside so i can't identify who's Aki in them so i sit on the fountain and wondering if i can find him to this crowd? but i noticed someone sat beside me and ask the same question i ask. When i hear him whispering that i look and ask is he's finding someone but i didn't know that it was Aki, so when aki turned we were surprised that we already found what were finding for. So Aki urgently hugged me and said "i love you, so please don't leave me" and when i hear those words i was touch and happy. Aki said that after this day he will break the contract of him and he's fiance and make a promise that he will make me his wife and only love.

For all the God's who hears my wishes when i was graduating in highschool, i am so so happy that it came true and i wish this day will never end in my life.