Killer Qi

The terrifying force came crashing down on Xiang Xiang's body and damaged her greatly despite her body being covered in Evil Qi.

'Shit! This bastard doesn't use True Qi yet its attacks are so powerful. Tch. I'm not holding back anything anymore!' Xiang Xiang wiped the blood that was leaking from the corner of her mouth as she glared at the rock monster.

Her killing intent surged and moved around her while transforming as if she was the one controlling it. In fact, she was.

After years of fighting, Xiang Xiang cultivated her killing intent and learned to manipulate it to her will.

She wrapped her own killing intent around her, which gave her entire body a dark red luster, and dashed at the rock monster.

'This thing doesn't have blood either, so I can't use that technique...Well, what can I do then? I'm pretty sure this thing is at a high stage...' Countless thoughts and scenarios ran through her head as she disappeared from her previous position.

She completely vanished before reappearing right in front of the rock monster's face. She brought out her fist and punched the cross blade that was stuck in its head.

Since her fist was imbued with her killing intent and Evil Qi, it contained a lot of power.

'Damn, its not doing anything. If I can somehow split the this bastard's body in half using that sword in its head, then I might win. But I don't have enough strength!'

Xiang Xiang became more irritated the more she thought about her current situation. But, while she was in the middle of thinking, a voice sounded in her head.

[Use the Bloodline Severing Technique and choose a bloodline to enhance your power. It will give you a boost in power, but dilute your bloodline in return.]

'So that's what those things were for? Excellent.'

"Bloodline Severing Technique! Deranged Killer Moth Bloodline!" Xiang Xiang shouted as she felt her power basically double.

When she touched the ground, she saw the rock monster's fist coming at her again so she jumped back to narrowly avoid it.

To her surprise, her speed was much faster than before.

"This is the moth's speed! Do I have its power as well?" Xiang Xiang tried to use powers related to the Deranged Killer Moth, such as its strengthening ability but it didn't work.

"It seems I just have a boost in raw power. In that case, I better make the most of it as I don't know if this technique has a limit or not."

Xiang Xiang created tons of small red spikes of Evil Qi behind her, approximately 50, and launched them all at the rock monster.


It yelled angrily as it defended against all the spikes. Xiang Xiang took this opportunity to flank the rock monster and attack its head again.

This time she was aiming for the stone embedded in its head.

In her hand was a light cross blade that weighed basically nothing, but when she approached the rock monster's head, she suddenly changed weapons. She condensed her Evil Qi into the form of a gigantic greatsword that weighed a ton.

"Take this, let's see if your ultimate defenses can withstand the full power of this baby!" Xiang Xiang said with an evil smile on her face as she slashed at the rock monster with all her might.

The terrifying greatsword swung quickly at the top of the rock monster's head and dealt a devastating blow. Xiang Xiang infused the greatsword with her own killing intent and contained it all at the tip of the blade.

So the moment that the greatsword came in contact with the rock monster, all of Xiang Xiang's killing intent was released upon the monster, dealing terrifying damage to its body.

Her killing intent exploded and the rock monster roared. The dim gem embedded in its head also flickered.

The greatsword didn't stop at just cutting the rock monster's head, it even cut almost completely through it.

"Hahahaha! Do you like that? Here's some more!" Xiang Xiang didn't stop and swung the greatsword once more, though this time the rock monster reacted.

It shook its giant body, trying to throw Xiang Xiang off. Eventually, Xiang Xiang was thrown off of the rock monster and landed on the ground, but she quickly gained distance thanks to the moth's amazing speed.

"Hahaha! Not looking so good now are you? You're so-called amazing defenses crumbled under the power of this blade! Too bad its only made of my Evil Qi. I would love to have a real greatsword to fight people with!" Xiang Xiang had an evil and amused expression plastered on her face as she mocked the rock monster.

Meanwhile, the monster was roaring in anger at her. The dim gem in its head was also gone.

"Is your source of power gone? What will you do now that that gem is gone? Your power is probably weakening too." Xiang Xiang said as she molded her killing intent and Evil Qi until they fused together.

They went from two separate substances to one terrifying dark purple and red energy that fluctuated and rotated around Xiang Xiang.

"To think you could fuse the two! Well, it isn't too far-fetched, I'm not surprised that killing intent and Qi are so intertwined. I'll just call this Killer Qi!" By now, Xiang Xiang had a wicked smile on her face.

She evaporated her Evil Qi greatsword and condensed one made solely of Killer Qi. The blade was a deep, dark, crimson red while the handle was a bright violet. The entire greatsword looked incredibly malevolent now.

It went from being basic to having a terrifyingly sharp blade that would make anyone feel a sense of danger just by being near it and the handle seemed to only allow one person to handle it.

Every now and then, wisps of Killer Qi could be seen revolving around the greatsword.

Xiang Xiang was very satisfied with this sudden surprise and rushed the rock monster again. She didn't even bother using the rapiers for leverage anymore.


The rock monster roared at her and threw a furious punch at her. Contrary to the rock monster's expectations, Xiang Xiang simply grinned as she waved the greatsword in a mysterious manner and its entire hand fell off.


Xiang Xiang was very happy when she saw the power of the new greatsword.

"Is it because of the Bloodline Severing Technique that this sword is so good? I hope not. It just sliced through this things arm like butter!" Xiang Xiang didn't take the battle seriously anymore but still decided to keep her guard up.

"Say goodbye!" She said with an evil smile. Xiang Xiang ran up the rock monster's arm, dragging her terrifying greatsword against it which kept pieces after pieces of it off until the entire arm was gone.

It fell to the ground.

Xiang Xiang kept moving, and then she thought of something else.

'Since this sword is made partly of my killing intent, that means I can manipulate it how I please right?'

Xiang Xiang decided to test this theory immediately, and just like she expected, she could. The greatsword's blade transformed into a long and slim katana blade as it sliced through the rock monster's body.

By now, the rock monster was defeated and chopped to pieces.

Xiang Xiang then evaporated her weapon and stared at the rock monster.

"Be lucky you're not a natural monster, or else I would've ripped your bloodline straight out of your back." She said with a cold tone and wicked smile.

Meanwhile, the three Gaphoms watched in awe as Xiang slew the rock monster that they had no hope of beating.




"Damnit! How did my golem die? It was at the 5th stage of the Foundation Building realm yet it died? I swear, the one who did this will wish I killed them a thousand times!"