Half a month later.
'The Guidao Shen Heart is really taking effect now, I've already reach the peak of the foundation building realm. I guess it's time to create my foundation, though I'm kind of nervous...' Xiang Xiang thought to herself as she looked at her hand and then at the village.
From her view, she could see dozens of villagers moving busily around the village, even the kids. They were doing their best to prepare all the necessities for their cultivation that Xiang Xiang informed them of.
Especially armor and weapons. For example, Broadswords, Katanas, Axes, Hammers, BattleAxes, Maces, Halberds, Spears, Cleavers, Rapiers, Shields, Gauntlets, Daggers, Bows, the list goes on. With Xiang Xiang's knowledge about weapons and expertise, the villagers' training was basically secured.
The only part now was evaluating their talent during their cultivation. Though, Xiang Xiang wouldn't get rid of anyone regardless of their talent. Everyone was valuable right now.
"I should go ask Luciana and Yu Qing about this whole foundation building business. I have a feeling I might make a mistake if I try to do it on my own." Xiang Xiang got up and hurried towards the Gaphoms who were silently cultivating.
Their Qi fluctuated around the area, making them and their surroundings look like a mystical sight.
When they noticed Xiang Xiang, they stopped cultivating, opened their eyes, and looked at her.
"What is it, Miss Xiang Xiang?" The Gaphoms had adopted the habit of calling her by Miss as well because of the villagers. After all, they were basically her subordinates at this point.
"I...How exactly do I build my foundation? I'm already at the peak of the foundation building realm..." Xiang Xiang said. The moment she said this, the Gaphoms noticed a powerful aura around her and were shocked.
'She really got to the peak of the realm already?'
They were each dumbfounded but Yu Qing quickly regained her composure and spoke.
"W-Well, first you have to start breaking through to the next realm. My father told me that in the middle of the process, you will be dragged into your consciousness where you will build your foundation with your Qi.
He also said that the foundation takes up no amount of Qi and that your foundation has to be stable or your cultivation path will be filled with troubles. I remember he said that some people's foundations were so shaky that they became crippled for no reason.
The key to knowing if you have a stable foundation is when the heavens approve of it. After breaking through to the next realm, a mysterious force is said to envelop your body and observe your foundation.
If your foundation proves to be stable, then you will feel the force around you get looser and looser. But it's the opposite for an unstable foundation."
Yu Qing became almost excited as she talked about it. For people like her who grew up around cultivators and cultivation itself, she always dreamed of soaring through the sky as a powerful woman.
'So I have to start the breakthrough first...' After hearing Yu Qing's explanation, Xiang Xiang left and went back to her hut. She kicked it once, completely demolishing it and turning it into rubble which she swept off the hill.
'I'll get that later...Maybe...Probably...'
After cleaning her spot of the hill, she sat in the lotus position, brought out the Demon Lotus which she couldn't change the Qi nature of, and began breaking through.
She knew that the villagers could rebel like Song Luixian and Remona, but she knew there was an insignificantly small chance of it occurring now that she exposed them to the truth of the world.
'Let's start...' Xiang Xiang began circulating her Killer Qi as she felt her stomach burning up. Suddenly, she felt an explosion of power and warmth all over her body before she was dragged into her consciousness suddenly.
"It's just like Yu Qing said." She was particularly nervous and excited about this moment as she realized that Yu Qing didn't lie to her.
Suddenly, while standing in place, a flat white space appeared before her that stretched beyond what her eyes could see.
Despite her being at the peak of the foundation building realm.
Xiang Xiang already knew how to mold her Killer Qi because of previous practice with her killing intent so she pondered on what she should make.
As Yu Qing never told her that there was some sort of time limit, she didn't rush at all.
'So, theoretically, I could build a stable house that could guarantee a stable cultivation path. Low risk, low reward. But I want to make something way better than that, but it has to be stable... Maybe I should build a castle? No that's too ambitious...'
Xiang Xiang thought about a ton of ideas, ranging from castles to weapons and other things but she just couldn't figure out what she wanted to make.
So she just began making tons of things on the blank space with her Killer Qi that wasn't reduced by the least bit.
For hours, Xiang Xiang built multiple things, yet tore them down repeatedly. She was growing frustrated and impatient after every build but kept her composure.
She felt like an artist trying to figure out what their next painting or picture should be or be about. Despite all the ideas she had in mind, they just made her head feel more and more empty.
'Ugh, why is this so hard? I bet everybody just builds houses huh? But I can't give up now, I don't even know if there are backlashes for if I don't make a foundation or not. It might hinder me from cultivating any further!'
Xiang Xiang focused completely on different structures to build until her head hurt. She had tons of thoughts, and finally, something came to her.
She got rid of all her previous builds and ran around the blank space while constructing her Killer Qi all around.
She was dancing while forming different parts of a strange structure, like a spider in a cave making its spiderweb.
"Hah! It's all finally coming together! I can see it now!" She said with a big grin on her face as her hands never ceased to move.
Xiang Xiang kept dancing, for minutes, then hours, and then even days. But the time didn't affect her in the least, she was too focused on her foundation.
Finally, at one point, she stopped and took in a deep breath as she looked in admiration at the foundation that she poured so much time into.
'This is more than a foundation, within this foundation contains my blood, sweat, tears, soul, heart, and most of all, will. If my theory about foundations is true, then when if I make a breakthrough into the next realm, my foundation should be unparalleled.'
She looked at her foundation with great expectation. It was a spiderweb, not just one spider web, but thousands of them that connected together to form a gigantic portal-like web. The portal-like spider web was red and purple and seemed to be glowing.
After making her foundation, she felt that she was able to leave her consciousness so she did with a satisfied expression on her face.
As she finally opened her eyes, she felt her body overflowing with Killer Qi as if it were natural. But that was just from the breakthrough process alone.
'Now is the time for the heavens to judge my foundation...'