Night of Mayhem

Ale shot from Tessa's nose.

'How is she still that beautiful?'

Neto was in awe. Goren was one lucky bastard.

Most of the people at [The Heavenly Donkey] were coming home from a long day of dungeon crawling, so being covered in dirt and blood was the norm.

Even Tessa was dirty after her kiss with Goren.

Past comrades gave their congratulations to the couple; each telling an embarrassing story of Goren's past. Neto enjoyed this tradition. Sweet revenge.

"...and that's when we realized... Goren soiled his sleepn' bag!"

"HAH! You all did too. That deer meat expired a long time ago!" Goren countered.

When the tide of chatter dwindled to a reasonable level, Goren tuned to Neto.

"This wouldn't have happened without you, mate. If you ever need help with anything, just ask."

Goren passed a bag to Neto under the table. It was heavy. When had this been preapared?

"I didn't really do anything..." Neto mumbled.

He wondered what was so special about this near death experience for the dwarf. Surely Goren had brushed death countless times in his life...

"Yes, you did. I'd been putting this off for too long and getting too cocky with my job. A man needs a woman to come home to. That keeps us in line!"


"Hah! How've you been, you old bastard!"

The next wave of story-tellers had come.

Neto thought sitting next to the couple would be bothersome, but everyone ignored him mostly.

"You aren't drinkin enough, step it up!!! 'Is a fucking engagement party, for god's sake!" Goren chastised.

Neto took the groom's advice.

Every table in the tavern had been pressed together, so there'd always be a pint of ale within reach.

"Bleh!" Neto spat.

He hadn't expected this world's alcohol to be so strong...

After feeling a few pity-stares, Neto gave his pint another shot.

'Glug', Glug,' Glug', 'Glug'

He was doing it! Neto had always been good at chugging, but this was a personal record for sure.

Neto was so engrossed that he didn't notice the chatter die around him.

"Holy shit.. look at that kid go." someone awed, snapping Neto out of his drinking-trance. His mug was empty.

Something deep and foul began to rumble...


"WHOA!" The tavern cheered.

"That was nothing, watch this!!!" someone holard.


Neto inadvertently started a drinking contest. He blushed, vision swaying as potent grog kicked his mind into a different gear.

"I knew it then, and I knew it now," Goren laughed. "This kid is right up there with the best!!"

Goren ended up drinking 3 pints together, stunning everyone and winning the competition. Even Tessa looked intimidated.

She was holding her drink quite well. Her posture remained refined, even after finishing....

10 pints!!!! What the hell was her liver made of???

'Elves are in a different league..' Neto marveled.

In the border of his peripherals, Neto caught a cute girl staring at him seductively from across the table.

'No way...' he chided himself.

Neto was just as filthy as Goren... Plus, Even if a girl like her was interested in him, he didn't know how to respond.

Neto wasn't exactly bad at talking to women, but he was terrible at talking to women that were way out of his league...

His focus changed to the treasure-hoard of food.

An assortment of creamy stews, stuffed hens, and spinach pies lined their table. Seafood as well. An entire bucket of crab legs sat beside grilled lobster and salmon fillet.

There were few vegetables but asparagus, which garnished thick cuts of the juiciest steak.

Goblets of gravy passed from hand to hand.

Neto took his time, tasting each delicacy.

Steak dissolved at the touch of his tongue, coating each tastebud with salty umami. Chunks of rabbit from Neto's stew had a leathery texture, but every bite brought forth a tsunami of meaty flavor. Buttery spinach pie scorched Neto's lips, but melted into flaky cream as he chewed.

Comfortable warmth spread from every swallow.

"Is this what love feels like?" Neto asked himself, tears forming under his eyes.

After filling his belly with the finest foods, Neto excused himself from [The Heavenly Donkey]'s shenanigans. He needed to check on something.

Bringing his bag with him, Neto pretended like he was going to the restroom, but ducked out of the tavern unnoticed.

First, Neto checked his new bag:

[System]: {Open}-[Inventory]

[Store]: [{Well Forged} dagger]:{2}-{?} -----[Confirmed]

[Store]: [{Sealed} Envelope]:{1}-{?} -----[Confirmed]

[Store]: [CoinPouch]: {Full}-{?} -----[Cancelled]

{Notice: Not enough Inventory Space}

[Inventory]--{9.14/10 lbs}

Neto left the Coin pouch in his bag. He was feeling rather empty inside...

"So, this was just a starting quest..."

Agony pierced his chest. He was so lonely; he'd pretended to be a member of this artificial world. He'd pretended Goren was his friend.

Well, Neto had no friends. Not even Peter, apparently. For the second time that night, Neto felt like crying.

If this world was real, Neto would surely become the strongest! Experience genuine friendship!! He definitely wouldn't be so cold... so miserable... so lonely.

"System... Check stamina Pot duration."

[System]: {Analyzing...}

"Are you ok?" a feminine voice asked.

Neto turned to face the girl who had been eyeing him in the tavern. She must've followed him.

Though Neto's vision drifted in inebriated waves, he knew her to be around sixteen years old.

Well-groomed curls fell neatly around her shoulders, blending into the shadows. Her eyes were light pink and captured gold from Nornenheim's lanterns.

When she smiled, her delicate lips creased ever so slightly. Even with rough leather armor, she was stunning.

...and way out of his league. Thankfully, alcohol gave him enough courage to stand without shaky knees.

"I-I'm okay, Its just..."

Neto broke down in tears.

"You aren't real... No one is real, not even Peter..-"

Wet velvet pressed against his lips, instantly burning into his memory. Her arms wrapped around him, and he wrapped around her. They stood for a while, holding each other in that empty street. His first kiss.

[System]: [Stamina Potion]-{14 min}-{31 seconds}

'Thank god' Neto thought, and then he fell onto the ground. Every muscle in his body was convulsing. Foam spilled from his mouth.

"Hmm. That lipstick worked quickly after all."

[System]: [Sleep Poiso-

Neto fell on his ass faster than a one-copper whore.