Snapscale Den

Neto made careful progress with Rakshasa's instruction. The heart of the dungeon grew closer.

Something vile stained the air, as if he were walking through the pits of the underworld.

{We're close. Control each breath, these creatures have an acute sense.}

Neto nodded. He was looking for something called a 'Snapscale Demon'. Of course he'd be on edge...

Veins of lava-esque minerals grew in size and consistency across his journey. Once they covered most of his vision, the tunnel became a ledge, which peered across a basin littered with azure scales.

Unfortunately, Neto hadn't come across another redbulb. Either they were rare, or these creatures found them just as tasty as he did.

'There they are?' Neto asked, unable to discern individual monsters in the sea of blue.

{There they are. All that's left is to say hello.}

'Say hello? what are you, insane?!!!' Neto almost turned around right there.

{Whoa there, don't be rash. If you can isolate one of them, there's a way to tame them with Unbound Entities passive.}

'You're calling me rash? While asking me to commit suicide?!!'

{your regard for life isn't very high, even I can tell that.}


Neto paused. He needed to collect his wits. So far, Rakshasa had done nothing but try to help him, but no matter which way Neto looked at this... He'd expected some kind of trick, but Rakshasa's plan was just for him to walk strait into their den.

Sure, he didn't really mind the idea of eternal rest, but he'd at least like to trade his life for someone else's. Why else would Neto have acted so recklessly for people he'd just met?

{If you don't tame one soon, they all might wake up. I can't guarantee your safety after that.}

'All the more reason to leave while I still can!'

{This is an option. However, the journey ahead pales in comparison to what I'm asking you to do now. With a Snapscale by your side, you'd be much safer.}

Why was Neto seriously considering this? Well, maybe they weren't so large... After all, Rakshasa was a demon, and she was half the size of a goblin! He decided to get a closer look, at the very least.

'So, what if I successfully isolate one and it tries to eat me?'

{That won't happen, as long as you maintain the soul I'm about to show you.}

Rakshasa created an incomprehensible image in Neto's mind, just like the time he learned |Assimilation|.

However, maybe because of the extra levels he gained from the bishop, Neto sort of understood what he was seeing.

{Ill be showing you a new trick that mimics your presence to a creature you know very well... Or that your unique spirit does.}

After some trial and error, Neto successfully warped his soul to match the image. Immediately, he noticed the surrounding aura twist and churn.

{Once you reach a certain level of cultivation, you'll be able to mimic skills and stats just by using this.}

'So... what now? I just waltz into their den?'

{Pretty much...}

Neto sighed. He must've become an adrenaline junky from all those years of paralyzation..

'Well, here goes Nothing.'

To one side of the ledge, a downward slope pointed towards the bottom of the cavern. Neto followed the natural ramp, keeping one hand on the wall beside him.

'Is it just me or is this wall kind of warm?'

{It's a mana-infused mineral. Thermalite. Different types of mana let off heat, sort of like radiation but without the health detriments.}

'I see.'

As Neto descended, he noticed outlines in the heaps of scales. These were not minor demons. Their size was comparable to that of large grizzly bears, and their features reminded Neto of wingless dragons.

'You seriously want me to ride one of these?'

{They're cute, right? Don't worry, these can carry many times their own body weight.}

'I'm not worried about how much they can carry!!!'

Neto could never quite tell if Rakshasa was being sarcastic when she spoke in his mind. Most likely, the demon just had a skewed perception of what was normal. Neto could empathize with that, from an opposing perception.

When Neto's feet reached the edge of the last step, his walk had slowed to a tip-toe, and his breaths dwindled to shallow sips. His head filled with the urge to gasp, but he was adamant about his stealth.

'That thing is cute to you?'

Neto's eyes were trained on a massive head, serpentine and pointed. From this close, he was sure Snapscales had to be a descendant of the dragon line, and wondered if there were more variations in this world. Each was curled into a ball, head resting on a powerful set of legs. Two strait horns the size of bastard swords poked from their skulls.

{Its not cute to you? Are your eyes made of cheap plastic?}

'It's weird hearing you say 'plastic'.'

Just as Neto was thinking about how to isolate one from the group, the snapscale in front of him opened its eyes. Neto's instincts tensed his muscles, preparing for a futile defense. He'd always been a fighter.

{get rid of that stupid aggression, this girl is just curious.}

Neto realized his mistake and allowed himself three deep breaths. He prayed they weren't loud enough to wake the others.

The awoken dragon kin looked up at him with blood-red eyes, a stark juxtaposition against the vibrant blue of its scales. Neto gulped.

{Okay, this one is giving positive signals, your ultimate test is this: rub her nose.}

Neto gawked.

Positive signals? It was just looking at him!! Rakshasa wanted Neto to place his hand right beside that thing's mouth?!!! Well, if it wanted him dead, he supposed he'd already be dead...

On closer inspection, the dragon had fuzzy white eyelashes which batted as she blinked. The moisture in her eyes reflected Neto's image with stunning vividity. Once again, he was overdue for a bath.

He moved his hand gingerly so as not to spook the Snapscale. She didn't look disturbed. In fact, Neto thought he spotted anticipation on the creature's face. This would've been creepy if not for her humanizing features. The eyelashes mainly...


This sensation was unlike anything he'd experienced before. Her scales parted at her nose, so Neto was touching her bare skin. She was warm.

As if Neto's touch pleased the dragon, she made a low purring noise.

'That isn't a growl, right?'

{uhh..... Not exactly, but...}

'But what?!'

{Well, how should I put this... She might be in heat~ and if she is, she definitely just chose you as her mate.}

'She just... WHAT?!'

Neto knew enough about wild animals not to run right then, but he finished his pets and began moonwalking backwards. That noise had seriously unsettled him.

{Maybe showing you my old pet's soul was a bad idea. He had rather potent pheromones.}

'Don't say that now!!' Neto screamed internally.

He knew this had been a stupid idea. He should've just left when he had the chance... Now he had to back up slowly so as not to spook this basin of blood-thirsty demons....


Without a hint of warning, the demon he'd been petting leaped from its resting position, changing stances impossibly fast. All the creatures in the basin poked up their heads.

'I'm fucked.' Neto thought, watching in slow motion as a SUV-sized demon fell towards him.


{You did it!!! Quick, hop on her back!!}

"What..." Neto muttered like an idiot. He seriously thought that was the end.

An insane roar echoed through the cavern again, and then a loud collision. Neto turned his head to see two demons facing off. One of them was the one he'd been petting, and the other had a fresh gash running from its forehead to its neck. Purple blood seeped from the wound.

{Quick you idiot!! Snapscales are genrally lazy, so they are less likely to follow you guys if they are still waking up!!!}

Neto didn't have time to think. There was nowhere to run. All he could do was trust Rakshsasa once again.

The snapscales faced each other in some kind of staring contest as Neto climbed on the back of the she-dragon. She didn't try to kick him off, and once Neto was on her back, she leaped once again.


"FUUUUUCK!!!" Neto screamed.

She almost launched him off her back, but he wedged his hands in between the links of her neck scales, and his feat by her midsection. They shot up the ramp to the top of the dungeon. Neto couldn't hold back his screams. This was definitely the most insane experience he ever had…


Neto clung into the demon as she rampaged out of the den, pivoting into one of the unexplored tunnels from the start. He noticed the portal was no longer there. The name 'Unbound Space' was making more sense.


Neto kept screaming until his voice failed. He couldn't tell if they were being followed, but the speed of this dragon was more than enough to terrify him.

{Hah! This was worth it, after all.}

Before Neto knew it, the light of a new portal illuminated his peripherals.


Neto couldn't finish his threat before the demon leaped once again.