Coalition of Equals

Tessa placed her hand behind the counter of the bar. Toru couldn't see where she was touching, but aromatic mana permeated the atmosphere.

Chieko seemed to notice as well. She was visibly uneasy, yet maintained her mask of false resolve.

"That should do it. Why don't you two take a seat?" Tessa laid her hands on the counter, gesturing towards the backless-stools lining the other side.

Both children took a seat, pleasantly surprised by the comfort of the stools despite their unwelcoming appearance. Chieko was the next one to speak.

"Magic nullifying runes? Those cost a fortune, don't they?"

Toru raised his eyebrows, impressed at her identification skills. However, that was the same thing as accusing Tessa of running an 'under the counter' business at [The Heavenly Donkey].

Only large organizations, merchants, or royalty could afford such expensive runes. What's more, the mana required to activate these runes could only come from highly cultivated individuals. Tessa was more shady than Toru thought.

"Correct, including other protective runes. I've learned not to underestimate SUN... the hard way."

Tessa's face contorted into bitter melancholy. Despite the lack of wrinkles -or any blemishes for that matter- her grimace gave off the air of a much older person. Isobe told him once that elves can live for thousands of years, and he wondered where she was in life.

"Let Me introduce myself fully, since a common enemy has brought us together. I am Tessa of Alheim, the leader of the [Coalition of Equals] in Nornenhiem. I've also been expecting you. Congratulations on the early recovery."

Toru and Chieko dropped their jaws. The Coalition of Equals- or [COE] for short- was a major underground organization, with divisions around each of the five great empires. They, among other organizations like [HYDRA], supplied both legal and illegal goods and services, as well as protected the legitimacy of every black market in their territory.

"W-why are you telling us this?" Toru stuttered, sweat dripping down his back.

He should've remained skeptical, but his [Scent] updated her status to: [Trustworthy Ally].

Tessa chuckled, as if his question was ridiculous.

"I have an excellent judge of character. Plus, people wouldn't believe you if you told them. I have a reputation in Nornenheim as a simple hostess." She winked. "Also, I want you to tell me what you experienced with honesty."

Tessa knew more about Neto's situation than she was letting on. There was a good chance she was asking him that question to verify his honesty, and if that was the case...

Toru told the entire story.

From their meeting at the bath's to their ambush outside the portal, Tessa listened without so much as blinking.

'Her personality changed quickly...'

When he finished, Tessa leaned back, creaking her wood chair. Raising her hands, she untied the kerchief from her hair and undid her smock, placing them on the floor beside her. Her tavern uniform emboldened her already stunning figure.

"Mmm. Well, how about you?"

Chieko looked reluctant, but gave in after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.

"...I know one thing for sure. That bishop has nothing to do with the church of SUN."

Toru groaned inwardly. 'Why would you say that, idiot! She said she'd help us if SUN was involved...'

He realized it was probably for the best that Chieko answered honestly. There was no telling what skills a top ranker from [COE] would have.

"Oh? Please elaborate."

"All I know is what I overheard back then. Apparently he's from a group called 'The Quire of Virtue,' If that means anything to you."

Tessa's eyes shot open, as if that news was a heavy shock. This was news to Toru as well, who felt a bit cheated Chieko said nothing about this before.

"No wonder SUN is..." Tessa lost herself in thought.

Toru and Chieko looked at each other, and had a silent conversation in each other's eyes:

{You think she can help us avenge Naka?}-{Chieko}

{If she is who she says she is, it's rather obvious she would have the power to help us both.}-{Toru}

{What if she can't? Do you have a Plan B?}-{Chieko}

{Not really...}-{Toru}

"Well, I've sorted this matter out to the best of my ability." Tessa looked back up at them, breaking their staring contest. "Oh, my apologies! Please, don't let me stop you from indulging in love!~<3"

Both of the teenagers in front of her turned into Radishes. Tessa's grin spread mischievously.

"Ahem," Toru coughed into his clenched fist, "L-let's focus on the matter at hand. If you can help us fill the gaps in our knowledge, or help us find our comrade, we would be in debt to you."

"And if you could help me find the people who that bishop was working for." Chieko butted in.

Tessa stifled a laugh, then nodded, relaxing her expression to exude comfort.

"Young people really know their worth these days. I can help you, young lady. But, are you willing to join our cause?"

Cheiko met Tessa's eyes with a stone-cold stare.

"That Bishop is already dead, I suppose."

Tessa nodded. "That much is common sense."

"And this guy, Neto... He killed that monster?"

"I can't disclose that information. However, if you both become contracted members of [COE], I will allow Toru to share any information he finds. With you, only. It's unhealthy for couples to keep too many secrets, after all."

Chiekos expression became slightly disappointed, but her resolve didn't change. Her blooming cheeks hinted at the embarrassment from the elf's tease, which made her unfathomably cuter in Toru's eyes.

As for you, Toru... Your request is harder to grant."

Toru frowned. 'As I thought. It's too hard to find specific people in [Grand Void].'

Contrary to his worries, however, Tessa continued explaining herself.

"Unless, of course, you'd be willing to join us with your girlfriend." She winked. "Though your work would be different."

"W-what did you have in mind?"

Tessa's grin changed ever so slightly, sending chills down his spine.

"You will be [COE]'s new informant."

Toru touched the lines engraved above his left shoulder. He wouldn't agree so easily, since this was a life-threatening proposition. This negotiation had become a battle, which is why Toru's stutters came to a halt.

"If I take this job, you'll need to make a down payment. It's only fair considering we've given you valuable info."

Tessa raised an eyebrow.

"Three questions." He demanded. "Answer three of my questions and we have a deal."

"You have more guts than I thought." She admired," But, like I said, It's impossible for me to reveal any information about this topic, for the safety of my allies."

"What you're asking of me is also dangerous."

Tessa nodded.

"You will receive sufficient compensation. Five gold pieces every week, plus two for every report. Oh, and I will answer one of your questions for every piece of useful information you provide."

"That's not what I mean." Toru stood his ground, even though such a ludicrous amount of money was being thrown at him. "If three of my questions can sum up all you know about Neto and SUN, you don't have enough information to trade for my services."

If she was willing to pay so much for an inexperienced informant like him, there was a good chance she was having trouble finding people willing to sign her contract. There would be strict guidelines attached to becoming a member of [COE]. Toru wanted to milk this for all it was worth.

"Sigh.... I underestimated your resolve." Tessa's expression revealed she was impressed. "Just because I like you, I'll answer three of your questions, but you must sign a contract of loyalty to the Coalition of Equals first. The terms will be simple: any information you receive from me, anything you observe from our organization, and anything you infer or come up with regarding us must never reach another person's ears-besides the cute lady sitting next to you."

He didn't need to ask what would happen if he broke that contract.

"'Sigh'... Curiosity is going to kill me." Toru admitted, reaching his hand out to seal the deal.

Tessa reached out as well, folding her smooth hands over his in a firm shake.

"Come back here at the same time tomorrow, I'll have the customized contract ready." She turned to Chieko once again, pulling out a parchment glowing with a faint light.

She'd really prepared to induct them into [COE] from the beginning?! Toru stifled a laugh. This person really wasn't who she seemed..

"This is the standard agreement for our Bounty-Hunting division. Do you have to resolve to become strong enough to avenge your friend?"

Anyone could tell from a glance: that paper was a ridiculously expensive consumable. One that formed an agreement between two parties and enforced a penalty if that agreement frayed.

A soul-bound contract.

Toru could smell Chieko's fear and respect. She knew more about [COE] than him, so if she refused, he would as well.

However, after briefly skimming through its details, she slid the contract closer, biting her index finger and letting the blood fall onto a rune at it's bottom.


Heatless flames gobbled up that dry parchment in an instant. The contract was sealed.

Tessa nodded at the ashes disappearing into thin air and stood.

"Welcome to my family, Chieko. We need you ready for combat within five days, so your training will start immediately."

Chieko shot to her feet, fire lit in her eyes. Toru followed suit, standing uneasily.

"As for you, Toru. Ill see you tomorrow. Think hard about what question's you wish to ask."

"D-Dont worry, I-Ill give you a run for your money."

"Seriously... I can't tell if this kid is smart, or in over his head."

Tessa excused herself to the restroom for a bit, leaving the two alone. Even an idiot could tell what her actual intentions were, but that didn't stop them.

Chieko turned to Toru with an expectant look. Even Someone as thick-headed as he could tell what she wanted. They wouldn't see each other for a few days at the very least, after being with each other every moment of every day for an entire week. It was a big change.


She didn't resist as Toru stepped in for a hug. She was only a bit shorter than him, but from this distance she needed to look up to meet his gaze.

"D-don't push yourself t-too hard."

"Same to you..."

Chieko's body grew warmer, and she snuggled further into Toru's embrace. The time they spent together was only a few days, but felt much, much longer.

It was Toru's turn to be surprised next, as Chieko leaned closer yet, until their lips became magnets of silk, folding into each other like fall-claimed leaves.

Lost in each other's arms, the pair were oblivious to a certain elf smirking from behind the bathroom's wall.

"Ah, I miss my husband." Tessa whispered with a blush.