Chapter 1

The rude siren of my alarm awakened me of my pleasant dream and there came another boring day. The holidays were better, at least I could spend time by myself or with my family. School had always bored me. Most of my friends were literal bitches. The only compatible friends I considered loyal were two cool girls by Sofia Sanders and Naomi Gabler's names. But Naomi got a boyfriend and she kinda used to spend more time with him. This disheartened me but anyways I had no control over them.

Lazily I crept out of my bed dragging myself forcefully to the bathroom and braced myself up. It was the first day in 10th grade and this was a new chapter of my life. Uhmm yeah, the 15th chapter of my life. I let my semi-wet hair fall on my shoulders. My hair seemed to be in a nice mood that day. I looked good or at least fair enough to say "not bad". I was all ready to leave my room when I suddenly remembered that I forgot to take my identity card. It had a very funny picture of mine with my name printed on it, "Asteria Brown". I quickly put that stuff around my neck, went downstairs grabbed my breakfast, and left my house.

As I was approaching the ugly building of my school, I slowed down my pace. It felt like any other boring day. No excitement for the new session. After all same friends, the same bitches, the same teachers, and the same ugly building of my school. Finally, I reached my school. It had not changed much. It had just become a bit more unpleasant. As I stepped into the premises, a weird gut feeling boiled inside my stomach. I had to ignore the feeling because I used to get them very often.

I walked towards my classroom just to see the boys jumping on benches, fighting and some of them had turned the classroom into a football ground. They sometimes worried me, what if they hit me with that ball. Arghh, never mind over-thinking is just a default feature with me. I just threw my bag on my bench and went to stroll in the corridors. I could hear some of my so-called "friends" calling my name but I chose to ignore them. I continued walking. Some of the boys ran past me almost making me fall.

I somehow managed to keep myself steady when suddenly my eyes got stuck on someone. Someone I never really noticed before. Someone who never made me feel like that. His raven hair and those pair of amber crystals perfectly fitted on his handsome face. That one breathtaking smile could melt everyone's heart. The way he walked imprinted his foot trails on my heart. The grey school blazer complemented his hot torso. He was born with a gift of laugher and a sense that the world was mad.

Ahh, I didn't realize I was staring at him like an idiot but then our eyes met. There was this spark between us, a magical electricity flowed down my spine. I wanted that moment to last forever but a sudden disturbing noise broke our eye contact...