Arc 2: Chapter 24

"Welcome back milady," Alec spoke, bowing at her with the bags of food still in his hands.

"Thanks Alec," she said.

"Why did you buy so much food milady?" he asked, shaking his head.

Elenor laughed, "I'm planning on giving it to everyone. There was a festival held in the capital today!"

Alec nodded, showing that he was still listening to her as he followed her. Elenor then took out some of the food and handed it to the workers she met while walking. Every worker had a grateful look on their face as they accepted the food from her.


Elenor nodded eagerly while she continued handing out the food, "It was a festival about a king who protected the kingdom decades ago. Lloyd told me about it."

Alec turned to her, his eyebrows furrowed, "...When did you start calling his highness by his name?"

"Today when we were at the festival. He wouldn't stop trying to make me call him like that so in the end I did. It's easier than calling him, his highness as well."

Alec didn't speak after that. Elenor continued talking about her time at the festival while she finished handing out food.

"Apparently there is supposed to be fireworks later in the evening," Elenor mentioned as they arrived back at her room.

"Well I can always see the fireworks another time," she shrugged it off.

Elenor suddenly had a thought and snapped her fingers,

"Also that prince won't stop paying for me although I already said he didn't need to. Then he even says we have a sweet relationship with one another," she scoffed loudly shaking her head,

"Relationship my ass! He literally forced me to go to the festival with him." Elenor let out a 'hmph' as she continued complaining to Alec who silently listened to her.

"Do you hate him?" Alec asked.

"Huh? No way," Elenor instantly answered, "I just don't like his teasing."


"I also don't know what to do if he makes me spend time with him again." Elenor finally ended her complaining.

"Now that you're done complaining, your bath has been ready for quite some time now." Alec spoke.

"What? When did you go and prepare it?"

"While you were complaining milady."

Elenor pouted, "How rude of you to leave while I was complaining."

"Yes yes. My apologies milady now please go take your bath. The sun is now setting." Alec calmly responded but his face showed no remorse.


Elenor huffed and left to take her bath. As the door closed behind Elenor, Alec's eyes darkened. Although he did leave to prepare her bath, he still heard everything she had said. The one thing that stuck with him was what the prince had said to her. His body felt hotter and he had a sense of discomfort in him.

The empty paper bag he had in his hands crumpled due to his strength. He could imagine the look on Lloyd's face as he said those stupid words to Elenor. The feeling of disgust crept up inside of him but before he could address any of it, a maid knocked on the door.

"Alec?" the maid called out as she opened the doors to Elenor's room.

Alec turned to her and returned back to his professional act. He nodded and walked over to the maid, helping her with whatever she needed.

"What colour of the curtains shall we use for the rooms?" she asked.

Alec was Elenor's exclusive butler but he also had a very high position among the servants so if there was a question they would go to him and ask. Although he was only 16, his work always amazed people and gave him a huge amount of respect. Many would look down on him because of his age but not in the marquess household.

"Perhaps a dark colour…" Alec's words fell short as he remembered about Elenor.

Alec then shook his head, "Perhaps a warmer or lighter shade would be nicer for a change,"

The maid nodded and smiled, "Yes that would be nice. Thank you." she bowed and left the room.

Before Alec could dwell in his thoughts once more, Elenor came back in, cheeks flushed red from the heat. As usual, she wore her bathrobe with her hair wrapped in a towel. Alec began his routine, drying her hair with the towel.

"Hey, Alec could you perhaps get some cakes for me?"

Without stopping his hand movements, he spoke back, "You haven't eaten so no cakes."

"Why not?" she whined, her cheeks slightly puffing up.

"Cakes can be eaten anytime! It doesn't matter the time and place."

"Who declared that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Me of course!" Elenor confidently answered with sparkly eyes.

Alec only sighed, shaking his head as he didn't continue entertaining her. He finished drying her hair before she left to change for her dinner with the family. As they headed to the dining hall, Alec kept his eyes on her back.

When they arrived, Alec stood still by the wall while Elenor took her seat beside her family. She was chatting well and lively with her family. As he continued watching over her, he mentally noted down what food she liked and disliked, how she ate, which she would eat first on her plate. The little expressions and gestures she would make without anyone noticing.

He wanted to know more about her. More than anyone else can. More than herself could notice. Every single detail. He wanted to find out and keep it to himself. His hands which were behind his back, tightened so much until he could nearly burst a blood vessel.

Elenor suddenly then turned to look at him, his hands loosened. Alec showed her his usual work smile. She quickly smiled back before turning back to Richard and continued talking to him as if nothing happened. Without anyone realising, Alec's eyes grew darker as he continued looking over at his lady.