
"Ah fuck... I didn't think that I would get hurt so bad...

Man... I should've saved some strength before I went to the clock tower..."-Y/n

Y/n had barely made it back alive. She couldn't properly turn into her shadow form and after a couple of seconds reverted back because of her lack of strength at the time. It was something she had expected but she didn't think the explosion would reach her.

Barely making it out alive, she thought how lame she looked right now. Although she stopped a bomb she didn't think she wouldn't even get to fight.

'Oh how wrong I was...

Fucking hell... This feels like shit dude...'

Y/n reached the place where the others had passed out. She smiled seeing them and passed out too.


"I barely fought at all..."-Y/n

"THATS WHAT YOUR SAD ABOUT?!"-Nami, Chopper and Usopp

The three were shocked at hearing the reason Y/n was upset about.

"I made some special soup for you Y/n-chwan~!"-Sanji

Y/n instantly became excited hearing about Sanji's food while the others sweat dropped at her sudden change in emotions.

"So, any idea which island we're gonna go on next?"-Y/n

"Nope, I'm about to head palace library and check it out. Also see if I can find some other useful books."-Nami

"I'll come with you then~ It's boring sitting here all day."-Y/n

'Maybe I should pick up a hobby.

I guess spying is my hobby though.'