I had fallen unconscious . The last thing I remembered was Ben shouting for me . promising to find me as soon as he met up with the others . He had asked me stay safe and alive , not to get hurt . I woke up from being passed out and looked around. These people were obviously not town people because the first thing I noticed in the room that they had kept me captive was the camera . I turned my direction from it because the room was originally dark . It was not logical for me to be able to see the camera in the deep dark that they had kept me in .

I started scouting for clues again . The room was indeed filled with modern stuff , allowing them to refill my food plate and water can . This was exactly why I cut off the option of teleporting with the camera on because I didn't know whether an outer source , other than the people who lived here , had access to watching what they were probably recording .

I was lying on a soft mattress , without the bed . There WAS bulb above , which looked dusty and destroyed . I had a washroom area on the camera's blind spot . I looked around for other cameras but couldn't find any . They might be hidden but I'll make sure that none of them is on , even if I can't see them , when I use the bathroom.

The food tray was filled up for me and I went towards it . I tried to stumble myself , acting as if I was trying to adjust to the dark , when an idea popped up in my head . "ut incidunt , supra meo solito , et vobis fuerit opus, cum ego tuam scire, ter , aut erit consequatur ." I cast a small spell , still trying to act like I couldn't see . The bulb finally fell down on the mattress . I made my actions carefully , seeming like I hadn't expected it to fall at all . I changed the way I walked and moved towards the mattress . I again went through thirty seconds of acting like I couldn't find where it was , until I finally got it .

I thought that it was enough time to get used to the dark if I were a human so I walked up to a chair as casually as how a person would walk in pure daylight . I took the chair , kept it right under the light bulb holder and rubbed it two times . Standing up on the chair , I managed to reach the holder and rubbed it one last time before tightening it to the holder . I shut my eyes tightly , trying to overlook the brightness .

I could see everything much better now and so I went to the food tray again , and took it with me to the mattress . There was nothing other than a food storage whatever , water can , one chair , a mattress , one bath robe , a toothpaste and tooth brush . They hadn't even given ,e something to entertain myself with .

Actually , the fact that they didn't leave anything to entertain myself was good because I would've been on entertaining myself that I wouldn't come out of the room even if they let me out . Time was very slow , especially since there was absolutely no windows to know what time it was . I tried leaning on the door and listening to see if someone was there but no one was there at all . People were too far away to even hear me . Where was I ? My phone was obviously taken away and I couldn't find my location by simply looking into the walls !

Or maybe I could ! I walked over to the wall and touched it gently . Closing my eyes , I tried looking through the wall , imagining the wall in my head . Slowly , my spell started working . My eyes zoomed in onto the wall and took me outside . I saw that I was in an old factory , on an island . The place that I was in didn't look like it was near the hotel . I wanted Cora to find me as fast as she could .

I opened my eyes again , only to see a strange man sitting on my mattress , staring at me . I jumped from the ground as quickly as I realized that he was supposed to somewhere else . It was Nate .

"The people who captured you are telling me that you're a witch and that you telelported . Do you think that it is true ? "

I calmed my nerves after a few seconds . "Well , I'm absolutely not a witch . Let me ask a question in return . Why did you ask them to capture me as a prisoner ? The least they could've done was give me something to entertain myself with . "

He laughed sarcastically . " Well , of course I asked them to capture you . Do you have many more people on your bad side ? I mean if you want entertainment , I guess you want to stay here for sometime . I'll ask them to give something to you."

"Ok joke time's over Nate . Why are you here now ?"

"Oh, just to visit my guest , give them a piece of my mind since you hadn't talked to someone for five days . "

I gasped . "You know what ? I change my mind . I just need a clock in here . I didn't even know that days had passed ! You're too cruel !"

"I'll ask them to give you both . Do you need anything else during your stay ?"

He was still trying to be sarcastic . "Yes . I would like Ben or Jennie to be here ."

"Oh no ! I think you didn't read our terms and regulation paper when you signed up for this shit . People aren't allowed in here ."

He was irritating me a lot since he was the only person I had started talking to in FIVE days , and he was being annoying as hell . I didn't think about showing it though . "Let me give you something to ponder about until you get your stuff . Why do you think your memories are still intact after seeing a Morkoth , AKA me ? Think hard . Good luck !"

He left through the door , and I heard the door lock click . It had been five days since I had been captured ? Was it that long or was it a joke ? That was what was bothering me more tan the fact that my memories where still intact with me . But I don't think that a person would know if their memories are lost unless it is a memory they used to talk about a lot to others .

Did he take memories that I hadn't shared to anybody ? or did he think just about sharing my memories with each other ? The door opened in a flash showing Nate again . "You and Ben kiss just like a newly dating couple . That's the only normal thing I found about you ! Here's the things that you wanted . Bye ! "

H left as if he had never been here a second ago . He had given a tablet with no space for SIM , as well as an old rusty clock .

That bastard ! He was sharing my memories ! Maybe he was still in contact with what I'm thinking ! Did he have access to my memories , moments , or feelings ? It was confusing but I knew that he mustn't be having my whole memories because he didn't seem to know that fact that I was a Berthim . I didn't want to trust him with the information of how long I had been in there but when I counted the amount of meals I had , and divided it by three , it was exactly five . But it could also have been a trick to trick me . What if I had only eaten two meals a day ? or more than three meals a day ?

I guess I had time until Cora found me out . I opened the tablet to look into the stuff that was inside , and the door crashed open again . "Nate ! I get that you want to-" I stopped mid-sentence because it wasn't Nate . It was Ben .