The end and the new begining

After a fierce battle between my party members and blood wolfs . Party members were completely exhausted and the mana of them were almost finished 0.[1]

Opening the gate of the bosses chamber gives me a weird sensation and sees my entire life flashing before my eyes.When i open my eyes i saw gigantic statues guarding an ring and a larger statue standing in front of it,guarding the ring.[2]

When one of my party members try's to move the statues suddenly become alive and starting to move ,Edward tries to attack that statue but it have high magic resistance and physical resistance, it ran towards him and slice my friend into pieces until it's moving.[3]

We are very frightened by what we see, don't even know what to do, two of my fellow party members ran towards the gate because of fear and end up like Edward.After a long period of time we finally overcome our fear and studying the room.There is only one way we can get out of here,the gate.But the gate is locked up by magic and only way to open is to defeat this humongous statues which have insanely magic resistanced.Then i saw that there was a ring placed in a altar and something was written on it.Try's to read it and immediately gains an skill named language translator.I was astonished because i have never ever gain a skill.Using the help of it,I try to read the ancient script.

(He who defies the god have to pay

....He who defies the god will end up like that.)

If Don't want to be end up like that then pray before him and beg for his mercy while chanting this for seven times:ajkamadutasi marnaikitabutashi harikaomastuki mi omabameriku ora great u live long my lord.I will serve u thee‌ee my great lord, He who defies you i will punish them.I will give my life for your great purpose.[4]

After chanting seven times the god statue moved and gives us the creepiest face that can someone imagine.Like this thing wants despair.We tries gang up on one statue but failed to even put an scratch into that damn monster.Then statues one by one surround us.One by one my comrades are getting killed by this damn monsters,i was engulfed by fear and i Don't even know what to do.After killing all of them they are finally coming for me, i ran as fast i can possible towards the ring and as I just reach the ring the statue break one of my leg,severe it from my body and eat it, but even after that i mustard courage and crawl down towards the ring and put it on my finger but nothing happens.The god statue look and give me a creepiest smile possible and killed me.[5]

After everything happen I open my eyes and see that,what? am i alive.where am i?Huhhhhhh?