Beautiful aspect in person life

I am sure that there is a beautiful aspect in every person, even in the person who betrayed and hurt me, because I couldn't have loved someone so much I'd I hadn't seen anything good in them. I'm sure that every story has left as imprint on my heart, left something that will always be a part of me. Every meeting, every friendship, every love, any connection I've had has been a gift, has improved me and let me to be the person I am today. The past, the good one, but also the bad one, has made me stronger and at the same time kinder. Two aspect I love very much, strength and kindness, the strength to never give up and the kindness to still love.

Being grateful doesn't mean you have to love every part of your life. It's ok to feel hurt when something doesn't turn out the way you thought it to be, especially for things you have given so much for your heart. What gratefulness means is that no matter what happens or what you go through, you are able to appreciate the journey, the greater purpose of those struggling moments and have faithful in your heart that you are already enough and what you deserve will somehow find its way in the right time. It's a day of school farewell and I rehearse my drama for last twelve days. In this drama I'm actually a boy. A boy who play the role of assistant manager. I am excited but also nervous because it's first time i can do acting, it's not my profession but I can do that. Best thing I gain during this performance, that's a confidence and strength. I literally feel confident when I'm in stage. In one stage I forget my script lines that's the most funny thing and suddenly I make my own lines, it's weird but I enjoy that alot. I enjoyed every moment of that drama, some funny some serious specially when boss flirt with our customer. School finished with lots of memories and sometimes we never ever forget something that happen in our life.

Somedays you'll find that you are struggling with yourself. It'll seems like you have taken more steps back then you have forward, you'll find that your heart is siting confused between two chapters and your mind is stuck between thinking back and looking forward. Sometimes it will really seem like there is a war within yourself - between you and yourself, your mind and your heart, logic and emotions. At times you may even find that you are struggling to understand yourself, to understand what you want and what it is that you are seeking. On those days, I hope you remind yourself that it's okay if you don't have everything figured out in this moment. The confusion and chaos is all part of the process of growing and maturing in life. It makes you human to break over one matter and recreate yourself through another, to love yourself somewhere and find yourself from elsewhere - don't be too harsh on yourself in the chaos that comes with the process of becoming.