Who I'm (A self reflection)

Self reflection is an important part of going within and connecting with your inner guide. To look for the self, to uncover and understand the self, and to discover the answers that are meant for you. Reflect on where you find yourself today, process the situation, and how things are going for you. how they make you feel, and why. Reflect on how you can bring yourself peace where you need it. Ask yourself questions like...do you like how things are going ? which part do you like ? why do you like that ? what part of you does that speak to or heal ? which part do you not like ? what do you feel that way ? what exactly about that is not working for you ? which part of you does this affect and why do you think it has that affect on you ?
A lots of questions appear in my mind. Who I'm ?
Is there something about that that you would like to work on or is it something that is important to you just the way it is . Reflect by looking with complete honesty, this is a conversation between just you and yourself, it does not matter what anyone else thinks. Self reflection helps clear out what no longer serves you, and brings clarity, peace and knowing. And that's all I think and realize who I'm.