Chapter 2

"We've been informed of another missing person bringing the total to twenty-five. Police say an eighteen-year-old girl by the name of Gwen Taylor had been reported missing for more than a month. Relatives said she had a habit of running away but never for more than a week. She last spoke of a job offer she had gotten through a new relationship but there hasn't been any information on what the job might've been or who she was in a relationship with."

"Authorities expressed they're doing everything in their power to locate Gwen and the other missing people. The chief of police believes this might be a kidnapping case by a serial killer. As there have been no bodies found for the past year of any of the victims we could only hope they are found safe and sound."

"We urge the people of Harlow city to be on the lookout for any suspicious people who might be trailing you or your loved one and contact the authorities right away. As always 6 news will update with any new information about the case…."

"Twenty-five total now. I can't imagine how her parents must feel not knowing where their daughter is and how scared this Gwen kid must be. The city isn't as safe as it used to be. To think there might be someone stalking us right now, waiting on the perfect moment to take one of us just gives me the chills," Isabelle Hall said shivering at the thought.

"She had bad parents," Helen Reed said, playing around with the food she ordered at a pretty known Valentine family cafe. What the hell did she order again? Soup? She felt like eating something with rice today and most likely would've ordered that so why was the rice so mushy?

"Helen! You can't blame the parents for this," Isabelle replied defending the parents. She was sure no parent wanted something like this to happen to their child.

"The news just said the girl had a habit of running away from home. Obviously, she had problems at home. Why wasn't the running away issue stopped before it became a habit and why didn't anyone ever look into the reason why she was running away so much?" Helen started pushing the plate of rice to one side.

"This is the typical story of a young girl meeting someone who knows she has issues at home and they appear to be a savior to her, offering her things like the job. Unfortunately for Gwen, she didn't know this person was just setting a trap to take her away. All of the other victims seemed to have the same history of a troubled past and then reported going missing after meeting someone."

"You should be a detective. At this rate, you'll have this case solved in a week," Isabelle answered, impressed with her friend as usual.

"If the authorities haven't solved it yet I'm pretty sure the average person like me won't. I'm just speculating but thank you for the compliment," Helen smiled then took a sip of water to get the taste of the food out her mouth. "Why on earth was this place even well known again? This food is horrible and too pricey."

"Oh! Hold on!" Isabelle said excitedly before looking into her purse for her phone. She was practically bouncing in her chair. "It's because this superstar Kevin visited this place and posted it on social media. After that, this place just blew up."

Taking a look at the image Isabelle showed Helen on her phone she said, "Social media really is full of sheep. Celebs post this place and regardless of the taste of the food people show up here and pretend to enjoy the food. Just to get pictures of the place or hoping to see this guy. Whatever works. I'm assuming this is why you wanted to come with me?"

Isabelle just smiled as she had been caught. "Guilty. But I'm here for Kevin, not the food. Not even Kevin could make me eat here again. Hey if I'm a social media sheep at least I'm a cute one. I need to have some entertainment while you drag me along to see your competition in the food business."

"I didn't invite you. I said the name and you said you wanted to come," Helen retold the events which happened a few days ago.

"I can't help it. He's so gorgeous I just want to see if I could meet him. He's my internet boyfriend after all."

"I thought it was some actor last time. What was his name?" Helen questioned. If she and Isabelle weren't good friends she wouldn't care about these things. She wasn't much of a celeb person.

"David. He has a girlfriend now so that would be weird," Isabelle causally answered.

"Right," Helen said as if having an internet boyfriend wasn't weird already. Then again this is normal for many girls.

Isabelle carried on whilst scrolling through her images of Kevin, "Kevin started acting a few months ago and his character just screamed boyfriend goals. Why can't I meet someone like that in real life? I'm forever single."

Playing with her black curly hair Helen responded, "You set your boyfriend goals based on those movies, webcomics, and books you read and set the standard so high real guys can't even compare and then you wonder why you're single. Maybe look beyond the screen or book and set those standards realistically?"

"I can't help it. They should stop setting the boyfriend standard so high. Trust me, if you entered my world you'll understand," Isabelle tried to explain her weird but normal view on romance.

"No thank you. I live through too much of it from just being your friend. I can only take so much. Reverting back to the topic of these alleged kidnappings, you better be careful. Do you still have the taser your dad gave you?" Helen questioned.

"I have it at home besides, didn't you say they were targeting people with a troubled life?" Isabelle said, still looking at the pictures of Kevin.

"Your inability to be more cautious is troublesome. You live a troubled life, my good friend. What am I going to do with you?" Helen asked, rubbing her temple. Isabelle had a talent for ignoring the danger around her.

"Be with me forever and ever? My brother once told me when I was younger, if I was ever kidnapped the person might bring me back for being too annoying. If I ever get kidnapped I would just talk about my celeb crush," Isabelle said jokingly. "I'll put my taser on my key chain and get more."

"It was nice talking to you today love but I have to go plan another party. Talk to you later?" Isabelle questioned getting up from her seat. She was taking out her money for her share of the food but Helen stopped her. "I should just date you. You're boyfriend material. Here's a little sugar for the treat," Isabelle said leaning down to kiss Helen on her cheek. "Bye!"

"Bye," Helen bid goodbye to her friend. She hoped nothing would ever happen to her friend. Isabelle was like a cute little animal Helen felt like she needed to protect. She had been protecting Isabelle from creeps and weirdos from the moment they met. "Bill please," Helen called to the waiter, having had enough of this place.

Paying for the food, something she wished she didn't need to do because of the look and taste but still did it anyway, she left the cafe and went down to the parking lot of the building by an elevator.

Her stomach felt like something was bubbling up on the inside as she went down the elevator. "Why did I harm my body and taste that food? They should be charged for what they're cooking. Ugh, just let me get home in peace. I'll never eat bad food again if you settle down. I promise."

Finally reaching the parking lot she pressed her key to unlock her car door which was close by. At this point, Helen just wanted to go home and curl up into a ball but she had other places to be. Reaching her car and opening the door she stepped inside and went straight for a bottle of water she had inside. She gulped it down in hopes of feeling better and when all the water was gone she looked for another bottle.

"Never again," she said, finding another bottle of water. There would need to be a gun pointed at her head for her to eat there again. "Fuck you Kevin for even posting that place."

Putting the bottle aside, Helen started her car, put on her seat belt, and placed the car in reverse. She looked behind her for any cars and when she knew they weren't any she started to reverse out but she didn't make it too far when she crashed into another car.

"What the fuck," Helen mumbled gripping her steering wheel as her body bounced forward but was stopped by her seatbelt. Where the hell did they come from? "Are they blind? These fucking idiots, I'm already having a bad day."

Helen unbuckled her seat belt and opened the car door to go see who hit her car.