Chapter 30

Helen knew she shouldn't let the text get to her simply because he was just having fun watching people crumble with fright as he always did. Just like when she first met him. It was his way of providing entertainment for himself. She didn't mind watching him be chaotic and messy but not when it was directed to her. Especially on this glorious day. He just earned himself a week of no response from her.

Was he somewhere nearby watching her? She wouldn't put it past him to be outside the building stalking her rather than coming inside. Not like anyone here knew who he was to pay attention to him. With his stupid text it might be better he stayed wherever he was hiding.

She attracted the weirdest kind of friends in her life.

"So, if I hadn't invited you today, what would you be doing right now? Did I steal you away from something important?" She questioned redirecting her focus back to the man of the hour.

"Sleeping," Eli calmly responded. Today was one of those he made time to rest and be by himself. He found himself needing a couple of hours a week to keep himself sane. Dealing with others can really push you over the edge and there was a need for him to control his emotions.

It was important he kept his composure. The last time he didn't, Eli had gone on a killing spree taking out anyone in his way. At the end of the day, he was still a vampire, a monster with the prime instinct to kill. No matter how much they tried to blend in with humans, it didn't erase the need to contain the blood lust.

"Well, thank you for spending your precious sleeping time at my grand opening."

"I didn't mind as long as I got to know more about you. Shall we ask each other more questions about ourselves?" Asked Eli, ready to learn more about Helen and vice versa.

Leaving the phone in her lap, she folded her arms ready to take her mind off the opening and the text. "Sure. You go first."

"Why were you at Valentine's cafe the first day we met? Given the taste and style of the cafe, it doesn't suit you at all," Eli recalled their first unfortunate yet fortunate meeting. The day when Noah crashed into her car.

Helen playfully rolled her eyes having to go back to that day when he irritated her. Just when she was liking him too. "I was actually taking a look at all my potential competitors and the last stop was the Valentines. I wished I had skipped that one."

"Why were you at the restaurant that day?" She flipped the question back to him. "Please don't tell me you enjoy the food or I'll conclude your judgment of food is terrible."

Eli couldn't help but laugh at her statement. "No, I wasn't there because I enjoy the food. I was supposed to meet my mother but she set me up with the daughter of the owner for lunch."

"I would hope you didn't ask me out on a date while you're supposed to be with someone else. I absolutely can't stand a two-timer. Being cheated on is a one-way exit ticket out of a relationship for me. I wouldn't even be friends with someone who cheats," Helen notified Eli on her stance about cheating.

"No need to worry. The setup was doomed from the beginning. The women my mother tries to set me up with aren't exactly my type," He explained, recalling the women he had been asked to give a chance.

"Why is your mother so focused on setting you up with someone?" Helen wondered out loud. Weren't arranged dates and marriages a bit too much in this day in age? Why not allow people to fall in love and meet their partner on their own?

"Well her only son has yet to introduce her to a partner in so many years. She thinks I don't have plans to settle down and have a family of my own which is true at the moment."

Helen sighed at the thought of settling down and having a family being an issue again. You just can't escape it no matter where you run. Everyone had to deal with the pressure of finding a partner at some point in time of their life.

"Why haven't you told her to stop?" Was the big question Helen wanted the answer to. He appeared to be the type to put his foot down and deny his mother in a situation like this.

"Because it keeps her preoccupied from thinking about her own issues," Eli replied, reaching for his glass to take a sip of wine. He knew his mother was becoming more concerned about his life to distract herself from dealing with his father.

"Oh," Helen softly muttered. She sensed there was something seriously wrong with the family dynamic the more it was brought up but knew it wasn't her place to ask him for the details considering she was nothing to him.

If he wanted to confide in her, she would be all ears to listen and give advice. Helen had no issue being a friend to anyone who was dealing with family drama.

"What would she think if she saw you on a date with me? At least she would know you're out and about meeting with someone," Helen said slightly changing the subject.

"I don't think you want to know," He replied taking another sip rather than telling her the truth.

Helen's jaw almost dropped at his response. "Come on! It can't be that bad. More importantly, I can't be that bad she would be upset seeing you out with me."

"It's nothing about you being bad or anything you can technically change it's just…" Eli trailed off not knowing how to explain it. His mother would be slightly upset to find him entertaining a human. How could he tell that to Helen? "She has the image of an ideal partner for me in her mind. However, my mother and I don't share the same views as of recently."

"If I met your mother I wholeheartedly believe I would charm her ass off. What's not to love about me?"

"Cocky aren't we," Eli observed feeling amused by how much faith she had in herself to be able to hypothetically woe his mother.

"Confident," Helen corrected him. A little confidence could take you a long way and she had a lot of it.

This conversation reminded Eli of something Noah brought up to him earlier today. Would Helen be able to remain the same if she were exposed to his true lifestyle? Some people went insane at the sight of other creatures in their true forms. He would prefer if she remained the same as she was now. Surely, he would protect her but he needed to consider much would she be able to handle mentally.

This problem was constantly on his mind after he decided he wouldn't let her slip out of his grasp whether as a friend or partner. Regardless of what their relationship becomes in the future, he couldn't escape her being exposed to the truth.

But for right now, he needed to focus on establishing what their future relationship would be by the end of the third date. Just like Helen, he had enough confidence in himself to know they'll end up being more than friends it was just up to her who didn't care for serious relationships to take that step towards him.

"I'm sure you would impress her," Eli agreed. If she had managed to capture his attention, he was certain she could surprise his mother.

Eli's mother was the only person from his circle he cared if they would like Helen or not. His friends would have to like her no matter what. With the exception of Noah, the others would most likely just laugh at the chaos he brought to their lives by being with a human and accept it.

It wouldn't bother Eli who got upset considering they knew he never followed too many of their rules and practices. Heck, he even came from a family of royal blood who use to set the rules. He'll change the rules if he needed to. Eli would continue to do as he pleased.

"What about me? Do you think I would impress your parents?" He asked Helen about Mary and Samuel. He also had to ensure her loved ones were open to him being around her because they would be in danger in the future too. Fortunately, he already had her friends wrapped around his finger without having to do anything.

Surprisingly, it was a plus she was friends with a Hodge. Jennifer will be useful in the future.

Helen laughed at the image of how Mary would react if Helen were to ever introduce her to Eli. The woman would probably swoon over his looks and presence. "I think you would have my mother completely in your hands. Samuel on the other hand would be wary of you. He believes he has a third eye when it comes to my partners. Knowing whether they're good or bad."