Chapter 56

"I'll be fine. Who doesn't like me? Well, a lot of people but their judgment sucks. We'll eat for an hour and I can return home to my comfort place. You got this, you'll be home in no time," Helen said hyping herself up. The faster they got there, the faster they could return home.

Hopefully, things go smoothly tonight. She was nervous at first but the more she thought about it, Helen wanted to see Eli's family dynamic. She was curious to see why Eli was at odds with his father.

But at the same time, she wanted to just lay in her bed and watch a movie. Why can't she have a robot version of herself who would go to dinner and get all the information on Eli's dad while she laid in bed? Life was certainly not fair.

"Just one hour with his parents. I'm overreacting. It's not like it's a week-long stay at the mansion. It's only one hour," She scolded herself for being so dramatic. Helen dealt with way worse situations than this.