Chapter 167

"How were you able to get this? Finding a teardrop from her as a diamond should be impossible. She doesn't let anyone get near her. Where did you find this?" Helen questioned inspecting the small item. She was so excited to see something from Artemis, she did not watch what she was saying to Eli.

"Have you ever met Artemis?" He asked, finding it odd that she spoke of Artemis like she knew the Goddess. "That couldn't be possible because she hasn't been seen for many years, long before you were born. Maybe the wolves know where she is but I doubt the twins know where to take you."

Helen slowly lifted her gaze from the diamond to Eli. Was it just a coincidence he got her this diamond or had he always wanted to ask her something about Artemis? "You know you can google things about Artemis right? I often tell you about being an old man but you always forget about the internet."