Chapter 8

A moment later she spots a familiar face near the balcony door. "Hey, Kate!" Calls out a blonde girl.

Kate is already tired from the evening and doesn't feel like starting another conversation. She then nods her head in her direction to indicate that she sees her, but then she walks away, towards one of the two exits, but the road is continually blocked by waiters who offer her glasses of champagne to drink. Kate isn't a big drinker but she has a high tolerance, and so glass after glass of drink she finds herself too drunk to even figure out where she's going. She ends up sitting alone at one of the many tables in the restaurant, nursing yet another glass of white wine.

She is completely zoned out when someone sits down beside her, and a second later they're talking, their voices getting quieter and their faces getting closer. When Kate realizes what is happening she slaps him, gets up, throws the glass of champagne at him, and then walks away, screaming, not even knowing what. But the alcohol must finally have taken its toll on her brain since everything she does feels blurry and disoriented. She's still yelling "Leave me the hell alone! Why would you do that!" and "I hate you!". She doesn't even notice until she bumps into a door of an upper floor of the hotel. She knocks on the door which then opens and she falls onto a man who is half naked as if he's just showered. And after that what happens is something magical and passionate that lasts until the crack of dawn. As the night passes, they talk about their lives, their dreams, and their aspirations. They share secrets, stories, and laughs. They share a connection that neither of them have ever felt before. But neither will remember. As Kate leaves, she looks back and And she looks at him with a horror look directed at herself and at him and the situation, promising never to fall back on it.

Staggering and still drunk from the evening she runs away and takes a taxi home. Kate groggily reached for her phone as it buzzed loudly beside her pillow. Squinting at the bright screen, she answered the call from her best friend, Sophie.

"Hello?" Kate yawned.

"Sophie here! Guess what I have to tell you?" Sophie's voice was full of excitement.

"What is it?" Kate asked, now fully awake.

"My friend John just told me that his workplace is looking for someone to fill a position, and I thought of you! Do you want me to put in a good word for you and get you an interview?" Sophie asked eagerly.

Kate's heart leapt with hope. She had been searching for a job for months now, sending out countless resumes and cover letters with no responses. This was the break she had been waiting for.

"Yes, please! That would be amazing, Sophie. Thank you so much," Kate said, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

"Of course! I'll send John your contact information, and he'll give you a call to set up the interview. Good luck!" Sophie said before ending the call.

Kate couldn't believe her luck. She had been feeling so discouraged lately, wondering if she would ever find a job that she loved. But now, with the prospect of a job interview in her future, she felt a glimmer of hope.

As she got out of bed and began to get ready for the day, Kate felt a sense of nervous excitement bubble up inside her. She quickly checked her email to see if John had sent her any information, but there was only an email confirming that he had received her number and would call soon.

Kate spent the rest of the day anxiously waiting for John's call, feeling like every buzz or ringtone she heard was the phone call she had been waiting for. As the hours ticked by, Kate's anxiety turned to frustration. She knew that they had probably already scheduled interviews, and that she was probably too late.

Just as she was about to give up hope, her phone rang. She didn't recognize the number, but she answered anyway.


"Hi, Kate. This is John. I wanted to set up a time for you to come in for an interview," John said in a friendly tone.

Kate's heart raced with excitement. It was happening – she was actually going to have a chance to land this job.

"That would be amazing, John. Thank you so much. When would be a good time for me to come in?" Kate asked, trying to hide the excitement in her voice.

"How about Thursday at 10 am? Does that work for you?" John asked.

Kate quickly checked her calendar. "Yes, that works perfectly. Thank you, John. I'll see you then."

As she hung up the phone, Kate felt a surge of happiness wash over her. She couldn't believe it – she had a job interview for a company that she had admired for months. She felt grateful for Sophie's friend, John, who had given her this opportunity, and for Sophie, who had brought it to her attention.

Kate spent the next few days preparing for the interview, researching the company and practicing potential interview questions. On the day of the interview, she woke up early, feeling both nervous and excited.

As she arrived at the company's office, Kate was struck by the professional but welcoming atmosphere. The staff were friendly and welcoming, and the office was bright and modern. Kate felt like she could see herself working here – it just felt right.

The interview went smoothly, and Kate felt like she was able to make a good impression. She was confident in her skills and abilities, and she felt like this company was the perfect place for someone like her.

As she left the office, Kate couldn't help but mentally plan out where her desk would go and how she would decorate it. She felt like she had finally found what she was looking for – a job that she could truly see herself in.

Days later, Kate received a call from John offering her the job. Kate was overjoyed – she had finally succeeded in finding a job that she loved. She felt grateful for Sophie and John, who had given her the opportunity, and for all her hard work and preparation that had earned her the job.

As Kate started her new job, she felt excited and eager to learn, and she knew that she had everything she needed to succeed.