The Other World

- Wait! Screamed the boy

Alan put the food down. This is it, he will finally make him speak.

- Please, we just want to save the girls, they will get married against their will. You don't agree with that, do you?

The boy seemed nervous.

- We won't tell anyone, I promise.

- They used a specific herb alongside with sorcery. Replied Zaphir

- How can we delete its effect ?

- That spell is very strong only the leader can cancel it.

- Damn it, we don't have much time, let's kidnap them first and after that we will figure out the way to bring their consciousness back. Said Aaron.

- Zaphir, We will let you go so no one will suspect us, but we need you. Can you help us?

The boy took a moment to think, then he replied:

- Fine, I will help you. I liked Sarra very much and I wanted her to be my mom, but she won't be happy because she loves someone else.

Tarou's heart skipped a bit when he heard that.

- How did you know that?

- She told me that before she was put under the spell.

- What else did she say?

- She said that she wishes to see his face even for one last time and to tell him how she feels.

- What about the other two?

- They asked me for help but I couldn't do anything back there.

- It's alright, don't be sad, we will save them. Now go before someone notices your absence.