Another day has passed, it was already night.
The sea water surrounded them from all sides.
- I think the island will all drown by tomorrow.
- I Understand now why it was very peaceful and contained just small animals living on top of the trees. So what should we do tonight?
- We will all stay on the boat and watch.
The boat wasn't comfortable, but they didn't have a choice. The water started rising again until it covered the whole island. Only the treetops remained above the surface of the water.
They stayed till morning.
Aaron was stretching his body
- thanks God the night wasn't that long, my neck hurts very much. Now what?
- As I expected, Yesterday was 12 hours. So, each day is one hour longer than the day before.
- Now, you can find the location of the floating island?
- Yes, just give me time.
Dylan started the necessary calculation. There is still something he didn't understand about the numbers.
He was very concentrated that he didn't notice a drop in the water level until the boat hit the ground.
- What's happening?
- The island began to appear again. Replied Tarou
- Why you didn't tell me that sooner?
- Did you forget? You asked us to not say a word.
The water started backing off quickly, that the whole island was up again in just an hour.
- Wow, was it the island that big when we came here?
- No, it was much smaller and the day was longer, look the sun will set soon after just 3 hours!