The Other World

Alan pulled the first stick, then Tarou, Dylan and finally Aaron.

- Now let's see who has the shortest stick

they looked to each other, and show their sticks.

It was Aaron! He has the shortest one.

Alan and Tarou seemed shocked, they didn't expect such a result. Alan tried to interfere, but Aaron didn't let him to do so.

- It's settled, I will do it. We don't have time for another argument

- Young man, it is you the chosen one, let's not waste any more time. Said Apollo while grabbing the Lava bowl. " I'm going to make the stone now"

He put the blue ice on the Lava then he started mixing them up together.

The orange color of the lava started to change to red, then to blue and finally it became green.

Apollo took out a mold from the branches of the tree where he poured the mixture.

- We must wait for a little bit, until it cools down.

Alan looked at Aaron with teary-eyed. " He turns out to such fine man, and now he will sacrifice his life while I'm watching".

He got closer to his son and he held him from his shoulders.

- Aaron, you know that I'm proud of you. I wasn't the perfect father, and I really wanted to make up on you, but we are running out of time. I hope you will forgive me someday.

Aaron couldn't believe that those words came out from his father's mouth: I forgive you, just take care of mother

Alan hugged him tightly" No, you Take care of your mother.

Before he could understand what his father meant, Aaron passed out.