- Do you think that I will deceive you?
- With no offense, but yes. You have been playing with us from the start.
- I will show you, then.
Apollo took out a big mirror from the branches of his tree.
Dylan came closer to the tree, he was amazed.
- Wow, that tree is like a storage, how did you do that? I can't see anything from here.
- I can pull out a monster from there, did you want to see?
- No, it's okay. I belive you. Replied Dylan while backing off.
Apollo put the mirror in front of them, it showed Anna, Diana and Sarra.
Anna was laying down, she seemed very tired while Diana and Sarra where beside her.
Tarou and Aaron's heart clenched, they missed the girls so much.
- Anna is very tired, I hope Alan won't be late for her. Said Tarou
After a while, Alan came when he saw Anna in that condition he ran to her.
- Anna!! Hold on, I brought the stone.
He put it on her chest and make her hold it with her both hands.
The stone started shining then Anna as well.
She opened her eyes slowly.
- Alan, you came back!
- How do you feel? Are you okay?
- Yeah, the pain is gone, I feel completely fine.
Alan hugged Anna tightly.
- Thanks God. Now, it's your turn Diana, let's cure you from that poison.
Alan did the same for Diana. The stone took out the poison from her body and healed her immediately.