Achil totally forgot about his sick wife and searched insanely for a way to get back to his world.
He finally found it, it was the source. That's the only way to get back to the earth's surface.
Aaron stopped for a moment:
- So, the source was the way back and not the origin of his power. The story we heard is completely different from this one.
- I think that's why he wrote this book, he knew that his story will be twisted. Said Tarou
- Yeah, but I think the rest of the story is as we heard about. He defeated all of them and made himself their leader. And after that he prohibited them from going to the hollow earth, so he will stay the only powerful monster. Replied Alan.
- That's not true. He did what you said, but it wasn't for him. Some of the monsters tried to go to the hollow earth too, to be as powerful as himself. He knew that they won't find anything but he was afraid that his family there will be in danger, they will definitely use them to take him down. So, He built that maze and brought the purple stone to eliminate their power so no one will ever think about it.
- From that point on, the monsters learned how to live together and how to help each other. They didn't have other choices but to do so or they will die.
- What happened to Achil after that?