Aaron was convinced that he must follow his brother's steps to solve this mystery.
- You are right Dylan, I will go. Sarra, you must come along to show me the places that you visited lately.
- What about Salma? I can't take her with me.
- Leave her to me, I will take good care of her.
- Thank you very much, Diana. She is still a little girl and I don't know what kind of danger we could face.
- Don't worry, just find Tarou. That's what's most important.
- I will go too. Tarou is my best friend, he helped me a lot, and now this is the time to repay the debt.
- Fine I won't object, we need someone good at reading maps.
- You mean good at everything.
- Alright, stop bragging
Alan stepped forward:
- What about me. I want to go too, you will need my help for sure.
- But someone must stay in the Land. We can't go all of us and leave our people without a leader.
- Ah, though I retired, I will keep an eye on the land until your return.
- Thank you father, I will depend on you.
- So, everything is settled. I will go to pack up my things.
Said Dylan while leaving the house
Aaron started preparing himself for the trip, he wasn't happy about leaving his family behind, but finding his brother is more important than anything.
Diana wanted so badly to accompany them, but she can't leave her children alone. She forced a smile on her face to make it easy for both of them.
- This is the first time you will leave me and go.
Aaron hugged her tightly
- Be careful, I will call you whenever I can
Then he gave her a kiss
- I will miss you, dear. Take care of yourself and the children as well. I will be back soon.
- I will miss you too.
After an hour, Dylan came back to the house with his luggage.
- Aaron, Sarra are you ready?
- You seem quite excited for someone his best friend went missing.
- I'm sorry, but going out of this place again makes me a little bit excited.
- Fine, I won't judge. I know that you like the human world like Tarou, but you stayed here because you were busy educating the children. By the way, why did you bring your car?
- Because we are going to use it to get out of the land.
- Why would we do that? We can use our power.
- What power are you talking about? you don't know any place other than your Land, if you use your light power you can take us to a completely different place. And Sarra, can't transport even herself, all that way. We are going to Egypt, do you know how thousands of kilometers it's afar from us? she will collapse halfway.
- He is right, Aaron. Besides, I'm still exhausted from the last trip I did. I need more time to gain back my full power.
Replied Sarra
- Ah, fine, fine I get it. But isn't the car too slow? I didn't understand why you bothered buying it?
- Well, mister "light monster", not anyone can move around at the speed of light as you do. I barely had any power left. This car made my life much easier.
Aaron and Dylan went into the house to say a final goodbye. Sarra brought her luggage too, she hugged her daughter:
- You will be staying with aunt Diana for a while. Be a good girl.
- Mommy, are you going to look for daddy?
- Yes sweety, I will bring him back so don't make any trouble in my absence.
Aaron's children were clinging to his legs, he kissed them and Hugged them.
- I will come back as soon as possible.
Then he hugged his worried mother:
- Be careful Aaron, I don't want to lose you again my child.
Aaron looked at her with eyes full of confidence.
- I'm a light monster, nothing can separate us again.
After saying farewell to everyone, Aaron, Dylan, and Sarra rode the car.
- Let's go.
Aaron kept looking at his family until they disappeared behind. He will leave again his land to a mysterious world he was always afraid of.