...The Witch Hunter...

Sarra was completely shocked, she didn't know how she should react to such unexpected news. Dylan tried to take control over the situation before Mei would suspect something.

He smiled :

- A witch hunter? What a unique job!

- Yeah, it is indeed

- I thought that this kind of job disappeared.

- Not completely, there few people are still hunting witches and I'm one of them.

- How did you become a witch hunter in such a young age? Witch hunters are usually quite old since it is not an easy thing to practice.

- Well, my grandfather was a witch hunter, he taught me everything since I was too young. After his death I decided to be a witch hunter too. I traveled for a while to hunt witches, but then I returned to my grandparents house to take care of my grandmother. She is too old to be left alone.

- Is that why people are avoiding you and your family?

- Yeah, they thought that hunting witches will bring a big curse to us so they decides to not deal with us.

Sarra was quite annoyed by what she was hearing. She knew of the existence of witch hunters, but she never understood why these people were determined to harm them, especially that most of the witches are living undercover like herself and they rarely intend to harm humans.

- Why would you want to dedicate your life in killing witches? As I know witches are not a threat to the humans.

Mei's face suddenly turned angry:

- How can you say that? Witches are pure evil. They are hiding among us and they use their magic secretly to manipulate and to harm us.

- Why are you so sure about that?

- I once had a brother and he was killed by a witch. Since then, I decided to spend the rest of my life in killing witches.

Sarra wanted so badly to explain to her that witches are not that evil, but the dark look on Mei's face made her realize that it will be useless.

Dylan noticed that too. He was afraid that Sarra will be exposed:

- How do you know that there is witch around? I mean, they look exactly like humans?

- Well, my grandfather gave me a device, it helps me to recognize any witch around.

- It is with you now?

- No, I hide it at home. Since there are no witches around, I decided to hide it until I go back to my work.

Dylan felt relieved, they don't know what Mei is capable of. Witch hunters use strong weapons that can easily kill a witch. He won't be able to defend Sarra if Mei knew about her.

" We must be careful around Mei, at least until Aaron comes back. "

As for Sarra she kept smiling to hide her frustration.

" Out of all people we choose a witch hunter as our guide. What a coincidence! "

- Well, good luck with your job.

- Thank you...

The atmosphere became quite awkward after that conversation. Sarra tries her best to avoid Mei while Dylan was avoiding Laila as well. He sat beside Annie and tried to change the mood.

- Annie, dear. Did you like the country?

- Yeah, I like it very much. It is very beautiful.

Mei was kind of curious about Annie:

- Is that little girl a monster?

- Yeah, she is a monster, but her power didn't show up yet so she looks more like a human child.

- That's amazing! What about you Sarra? Are you a monster too?

Sarra, who was drinking a cup of water suddenly cough. She didn't expect such a question.

" What should I say? "

- I....I'm a human just like Laila...

Dylan wanted to stop the conversation before it gets worse.

- I think we must sleep, it is kind of late. We still have a long way to go.

- You're right, let's sleep.

Everyone laid down and slept except of Laila, she kept hearing some noises coming from the forest around them.

" What is this? is it an animal? what kind of animals live in this place? what if a wolf or a bear suddenly attacks us?..."

Since Sarra was holding Annie, Laila didn't find a choice but getting closer to Dylan to feel more secure.

" He is already sleeping, I will sleep beside him.

She carefully laid beside him, then she closed her eyes and slept. Dylan could feel her right behind his back. When he made sure that she slept, he turned around and kept staring at her sleeping face.

" Why are you torturing me like this? if you don't want me then you shouldn't make me confused."

He got closer to her then he hugged her gently and slept in that position till the morning.

At the sunrise, Laila opened her eyes and that's when she realized that she was in Dylan's arms.

" How did this happen? "

She was very surprised at first, but then she calmed down and looked at his face while he was still sleeping.

- Why do I like your touches? They never seemed nasty like the other men touches. What is so special about them? Why do I keep longing for them.

Suddenly Dylan opened his eyes, he was awake and he listened to all what she said....