...The Missing Part...

Dylan started recalling what did happen to him last night...

- When Rodriguez brought the fruits, I noticed that he did eat some of them except for one kind. He didn't even touch it. Since I was suspicious about him, I also didn't eat that fruit...

At night, when everyone slept, Rodriguez opened his eyes, thinking that everyone will be in deep sleep. He looked around and started searching their bags.

- What are you doing?

Dylan suddenly spoke to him, which startled him. Rodriguez thought that everyone will be asleep deeply.

He suddenly pulled out his gun and pointed it at Dylan.


Dylan was very surprised, he thought that Rodriguez was only a thief:



- Tarou did that?

- Yeah, he shows me a treasure map, then he asked to borrow my necklace and promised to give me a part of the treasure. He used me then he ditched me.

Dylan became confused:

" Why would Tarou want that necklace? The clue didn't mention such a thing?"

- Wait a minute...Does that mean that you aimed for us since the beginning?

- Of course, I did. I was looking for that bastard after that he fooled me.

- How did you know that we know Tarou?

Rodriguez pointed at Sarra:

- I saw his picture with that woman. When I saw you coming out of the airport, I immediately recognized her. You came to look for that treasure, right?

- No, we are looking for Tarou.


Dylan hoped that Aaron wakes up so he could stop that maniac, but he was in deep sleep:


- Don't bother, none of them will wake up. They ate a fruit that drugged them. They won't be able to open their eyes until morning.

At that moment Dylan realized that everyone was in danger. Rodriguez looked out of his mind, he could kill anyone of them while they were sleeping.

" I must find a way to take him away from them. I will try to buy more time until they wake up and I hope I will be still alive until then. "

- Rodriguez, you want that treasure, right?

- Yes...

Dylan took out the map from his bag:

- I suppose that you were looking for this.

Rodriguez snatched it from his hands.


- It is useless, the map doesn't show where is exactly the treasure, so I will take you there. I know its place.

- I will kill you if you deceive me.

- Don't worry, I won't. I'm looking for that treasure too. We will accompany each other till the end.

- Deal..let's go.

Rodriguez and Dylan headed towards the temple, then they climbed it until they reached the entrance.

- Can't you hide that gun? I won't go anywhere.

- I don't trust you, what if you decided to deceive me?

- I don't trust you either. What if you decided to kill me and took all the treasure for yourself?

- I will kill you, now, if you don't move...

- Fine...I get it.

When they entered the temple, Dylan noticed the secret entrance and looked for a way to open it. There was a small brick that he should move from its place.

After the opening of the secret door, they climbed down the stairs. At every step, Dylan made sure to leave his footprints clear on the dust.

" I hope they would follow us soon or I will be busted. "

They reached the room where the symbols were engraved. Dylan could easily figure out the solution, and then, they finally reached the Golden Gate.

- I think the treasure is behind this gate...By the way, what did Tarou tell you about that necklace?

- He said that it contains the heart.

- The heart?

" When the heart burns the body will glow. Is it that heart? But how did he know that? Did we miss a part of the clue when we were in China? That's the only explanation for why we didn't get the map. "

- Can I take a look at it?

- No, I will not make that mistake again.

- How did you exactly meet Tarou?

- I met him at Yucatan. When I was helping my father in farming, he suddenly approached me and asked me about my necklace. At first, I thought that he is a curious tourist, but then he told me that he has a treasure map and he needed my help. I was very happy that I will finally become a rich man and I will never have to work this hard but then he deceived me.

Sarra sighed after hearing what her husband did behind her back:

- I feel like you are talking about someone that I don't know. Tarou had been stirring all kinds of mess. When we find him, I will make sure to scold him properly.

- What did happen after that, when we met you, your face was full of bruises.

- When we tried to open that golden door, I took the chance and attacked Rodriguez, but somehow he managed to defeat me. He was very angry and he punched me hard. After that he wanted to shoot me, but then I told him that he will never be able to open that door and that he must wait for you to do so. That's how I managed to survive until you came...