...The Family Trip...

The little girl was wearing a school uniform and holding a bag. It was clear that she is a pupil, maybe that's why she could speak to them:

- Can I help you, Sir?

Dylan got closer to her and smiled at her to not scare her out:

- Hello little girl, what is your name?

- My name is Gabrielle.

- Nice to meet you, Gabrielle. I'm Dylan and my friend is Aaron. Is that man your father?

- Yes, that's my father and this is Mateo, my little brother.

Dylan patted Mateo's head:

- It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Me and my friends want someone to lead us to Machu Picchu. Can your father help us? We will pay him for that.

Gabrielle talked for a moment to her father, who became happy and started nodding his head:

- My father accepted, we will show you the city.

- We?

- Yeah, me and my brother will come along.

- Are you sure? Won't it be a tough journey for both of you?

- We are used to climbing that mountain. Besides, our mother is dead. He can't leave us alone.

Dylan felt sorry for them:

- It's okay if you can't l, we will look for someone else.

Gabrielle grabbed Dylan from his sleeves:

- Please, let us do this work...My father has been jobless for quite some time. I promise we won't bother you.

- But your brother is very young, he won't be able to handle it.

- Don't worry about him, I will take care of him.

The father seemed very excited that he finally got a job to do. Dylan couldn't break his heart:

- Alright, prepare yourselves.

- Thank you, sir.

Aaron, on the other side, wasn't happy with this decision. He pulled Dylan away:

- Are you crazy? We can't take children with us.

- But we can't leave them alone.

- We don't know what will happen in our journey, what if they get hurt?

- You are with us Aaron, you won't let anything bad happen to them, won't you?

Aaron knew that it was too late to object. In a few moments, The father and his two children were already ready for the trip.

He sighed, then he carried Mateo:

- Come on, let's go.

- It's okay, sir, I can carry my brother...

- You will get tired soon, and you won't be able to climb the mountain...

- As...As you wish

They headed back to Sarra, Laila, and Annie.

- Sarra, look, they finally came back.

Sarra took a closer look:

- Is that Aaron carrying a little boy, or I am seeing wrong?

- No, you are not wrong. There is also a little girl with them...and a man!

They ran toward them to know what was going on:

- Who are these people?

- This is Gabrielle, and Mateo and that man is their father...They will lead us to Machupicchu.

Sarra looked at the children while looking confused:


Aaron put the boy down:

- No, he is not kidding, we asked the man to show us the city, but it appears that he can't let his children alone.

Sarra became very annoyed:


At that moment, Gabrielle stepped forward:

- Hello, My name is Gabrielle...I hope you let us take you to the ancient city of Machu Picchu. Me and my brother won't bother you. I promise... My father has been jobless for so long because he was taking care of us. If you refuse him, he will be very sad...

Sarra became speechless in front of the little girl's touching words. She glared at Dylan and Aaron, then she smiled at Gabrielle after realizing that it was too late to refuse them:

- Alright, we won't mind...By the way, this is Annie, she is close to your age.

Annie was very happy to meet a girl her age:

- Your name is very beautiful Gabrielle, let's be friends.

Gabrielle was a little shy:

- Your name is beautiful too.

Sarra and Laila bought some additional supplies since the children will accompany them.

- I bought everything we need. Come on, let's go. It won't be an easy journey...

The group started climbing the mountain. The man was in the front, leading them. Aaron carried the little boy, and Sarra and Laila tried to take care of the girls