Chapter 2: The Barbeque

After I calmed down, I said, "I'm sorry Nova. I was just so lost for awhile I…." "Its ok Zee. I understand your pain. I was scared too when I knew you lost your memories for awhile of me at least. I hoped you would forget my stupid brother." "Hehe oh your brother is just fine. It was just one incident. So are you going to tell me what are conversation was about?" "Not right now. I told your mother I would bring you over today." "NO! No I can't go over there. I remember why now. Since my brother died, I haven't been back there. Its been 3 years since he passed I can't I will be feeling really stressed to go back." "Ok Zee. Just calm down. I won't force you." "Thanks. Can we go back to your place and chat. Then we can go back to mine at night." "If you want. Sure." "Thanks that's a relief." So I got back in his car and we headed to his place.

"Here we are Zee." We both got out and headed inside. Once we got in I stopped in front of the door in a daze. I don't know what was going on in my head but I noticed that Nova saw. "Zee are you ok? Zee? Zee. Zee!" "Huh? What? Sorry I was spacing." "(sigh) Come here. Sit with me on the couch for a minute." I walked over and sat down then I felt arms around me. I was shocked at first then I started to calm down a little more. "(sigh) Nova thank you. What am I supposed to do now? I got most of my memories back but I still don't have much of our childhood memories or what we talked about the night of the accident. Where we close growing up?" "Yeah we were. We were and are still close. When I went to meet you I had been gone for a long time. I had been gone for 4 years. Things happened so I came back. I'm glad I did. You hadn't changes much in 4 years other than your memory loss." "I hope that's a compliment and not an insult." "Haha yeah it's a compliment. You are as beautiful as I remember." "(Sigh) I wish I could remember." I snuggled up to him and fell asleep. "Zee are you ok? Zee are you asleep?" He looked down and sure enough she was asleep. "Oh Zee. I've loved you since we were kids. I missed you so much." He whispered. He picked her up and laid her on the couch and covered her up. Then he went into the kitchen to make her favorite tea and made sure he always had her favorite dessert handy as well which was ice cream and cake. It had been an hour and Zee was starting to wake up. "Hmm. Where? Where am I? Oh yeah I'm at Nova's house." I whispered to myself. I sat up and held my head because I had a slight headache that passed pretty quick. "You ok Zee? I saw you holding your head." "Yeah just a slight headache. Its gone now." "That's good. I made some of your favorite tea. I also have your favorite ice-cream and cake." "Hehe thanks. I'll take the tea now. I'll stay for dinner then have you take me home. I have a cat to take care of." He brought the tea over and It helped me calm down just by the warmth and probably the person who gave it to me. After I took a sip, I turned serious and said "Why are you going to such lengths for me? We were childhood friends. Now we are grown but I still don't remember much back when we were little. So why? Can you tell me that?" "You still don't know do you?" "Know what? What did I do?" I was worried. "Its nothing you did don't worry. I guess I have to tell you What we were talking about. I wanted to wait but now we can't. They day of the accident, I was telling you how I felt about you. You wanted me to do something I couldn't but I didn't have the heart to. Then you got up and I asked where you were going and you said home. So I wanted to make sure you got home ok then you know what happened after that." "The accident." "Yeah the accident." "I can probably already tell what your feelings were for me by the way you are caring for me but what exactly did I tell you to do? That is the most important thing right now I can't get out of my head." I was freaking out. "Breathe. Zee breathe. Take a deep breath. Its going to be ok." I took a couple of deep breaths and started to relax. "Ill tell you what Zee. There is a barbeque coming up with only close family and friends in a couple of days. I will pick you up then and maybe you can get some memories back. If you still want to know then, I will take you somewhere and tell you ok?" "(sigh) Fine. Is it really that bad or embarrassing?" "You will find out sooner or later."

A few days later Zee woke up about 10:00 am. Usually later than she would because she has been having trouble sleeping. It was the day of the Barbeque and she was supposed to get picked up around 11:30 am. She realized what time it was and she hurried to get herself ready. She only had an hour to get ready before he came half hour later. She got a fitted shirt on and some comfortable jeans with her regular shoes she barely wears it's a special kind she wears on occasion. Then she put her hair up in a pony tail with braided bangs. Then she put on some natural looking makeup. Finally it was a half an hour before it was time for her to pick her up. So she got to rest for a half hour.

It was finally that time and she took one more look in her full body mirror and thought she was fine. When she got back to the living room, she heard a knock at her door. (Knock Knock) She opened the door and it was Nova picking her up. "Hello Nova. Thanks for picking me up." "Sure, no problem. Should we go?" "Yeah, let me just get my purse then I will be ready." She grabbed her purse from the couch, and then they headed towards the car.

While we were in the car I asked "Where is the Barbeque I forgot to ask." "Oh, its at my parents' house. They would be glad to see you after so long." "Yeah I have been busy I forgot the last time I was even there." "Its OK Zee. Don't push it. You will remember in time. You are a strong girl." "Hehe you think so?" "I know so." I put my hands in my lap and closed my eyes.

It took 15 minutes to get to Nova's parents' house. Zee was still asleep so Nova had to nudge her. "Hey Zee. We're here. Zee wake up." "Hmm? Are we there?" "Yeah. Haha you might want to fix your hair and makeup." "What?" She looked in the mirror and saw what he was talking about. "That would have been embarrassing thanks Nova." He just smiled. "Ok ready to get out?" "(sigh) I guess so. Here we go." I stayed close to Nova because there was a lot of people there, I was most likely supposed to know but couldn't remember them all.

"Its OK Zee. I won't leave you alone. I'm right here." He must have felt me shake a little and squeeze his hand. "Sorry its been awhile." "Yeah I'm sure it has." We walked over and saw his parents and brother Teo. "Hello Teo." "Oh Zee glad you can make it." "Thanks Teo." "Hello young lady. We haven't seen your for a few years." "Has it been that long? Sorry about that I have been busy with work." "Its fine. You're here now. We heard you lost some memories." "Yeah sort of. If it wasn't for Nova pushing me out of the way I could be worse. I could end up still in the hospital or dead." "Yes He told us." Said his mom. "Well why don't you two go get some food and sit down. I'm sure others would want to say hi." Said dad. "Yeah good idea. Come on Zee." "Y-Yeah coming!" So I followed him to a table and sat down with him. Then I sighed a sigh of relief. "(sigh)" "You ok Zee?" "Yeah sorry. I'm just relieved to just sit down and relax a bit. Being around so many people is just nerve wrecking." "Yeah I know what you mean." Then I started to have a headache again. It was slight at first then it got more intense. "Nova. My head. It hurts." "Zee. Hang on I got some medicine in my pocket from the hospital. Take it. Then I will take you to lay down." I took the medicine and gulped down the water. "OK good. Lets get you in the guest room." Nova's parents and brother saw him taking Zee to lay down. They were worried for her. "OK here you go. I will stay until you fall asleep ok? Then I have to join the others." "Ok thank you." It wasn't long before she fell asleep. He felt her forehead and was glad she didn't have a fever. He kissed her forehead and headed out quietly.

"Hey everyone sorry about that." Said Nova. "How is she really?" Said Teo. "She is fine. The doctor said its all good except she should take it easy. He gave her some medicine for the headaches he said she would have. I just gave her one so she should be fine when she wakes up." "Hmm I see." Said dad. "How much does she remember? Does she remember you and Teo?" "She remembers the adult us not the childhood us quite yet." "Well I'm sure it will come back to her eventually." Said mom. "I hope so." Said Nova. "I'm going to go mingle with our aunts and cousins. Come on Teo." "Yeah coming brother." So they all talked awhile.

An hour later Nova went to check on Zee. She was just waking up. "Hmm. Nova? Are you there? Ha….Ha…." "Yeah are you feeling ok?" "Yeah I think so. I just had a bad dream. I woke up from it." "Do you remember what it was about?" "Not really. If I usually remember dreams I write them down." "Want to join the aunts and cousins now?" "I guess I can try. I want to sit while I'm doing it though. With you beside me." "I know. I will be right by your side." "Thanks Nova." "Yeah no problem."

We walked over to the table and sat down. Nova got me some more food since the food I had wasn't any good now. While I was eating a guy and a girl came up who were cousins of Nova and Teo. Also they were siblings. "Hello Zee." "H-hello. Who might you be?" "We are cousins of Nova and Teo. My name is Eli this is my sister Ziva." "Nice to meet you both." "Nice to meet you too." Said Ziva. I sat close to Nova until we talked a bit then I started relaxing. Then Ziva and Eli's parents came by. "Hey mom and dad. What's up?" said Eli. "Nothing. We just wanted to say hi to Zee. We don't get to see each other often since we live so far away." Said their mom. "Hello." I said. "Hello Zee. I'm Nova and Teo's aunt Chloe. This is their uncle Eli. We just call our son Junior." "Hehe. That's cute. Hello uncle Eli." "Hello Zee how you feelin?" "I'm ok for now." "That's good." So the Barbeque went on for awhile then it was time for everyone to go home.

"Do you want to stay at my place tonight or head home?" "I'll stay at your place tonight. I have to head home tomorrow cause I have work the next day." "OK sounds good. You need a ride to work?" "No I got that covered. Someone from work it coming to pick me up." "OK sounds good. Lets go." We got in the car and I fell asleep again.

They finally got to Nova's house and he saw she was asleep. Instead of waking her, he decided he wanted to carry her to his bed and let her sleep. He would have her tea ready when she woke up.