Chapter 4: Being Followed

She finally got home and was still asleep. Nova nudged her to wake her. "Wake up were here. Zee wake up." "Hmm. Where are we?" "We are at your apartment." "Oh thanks. Bye Teo. Thanks for coming to my performance and you too Nova." I blushed. I shook my head for a moment feeling my face heat up. "Ok see you when I can now that I will be busy again." "Sure." I got out of the car and he made sure I got in ok then I went upstairs to my apartment number. "Hello Bella I'm home." "Meow." "Mommy had a busy day. I'm exhausted." It was already after 2:00pm. I decided to sit in my chair and call my friend to let her know I made it home ok then I took a nap in my chair. My cat was in my lap napping with me.

2 and a half hours later it was dinner time for me. I eat early when I am at home so I can get my evening walk in. While I was waiting for my oven to preheat for pizza, I decided to call Revy to see what time and where we are going to meet for practice. I dialed her number and the phone rang." Hello?" "Hey Revy its me. I already called you but I forgot to ask about what time to meet tomorrow and where." "Oh yeah. It's the same place the studio. About 8:00 is ok. Need a ride?" "Yeah just like old times." "Ok then see you tomorrow around 7:50 then." "All right thanks." Then we hung up. Its not like I can't drive but since my accident I haven't even wanted too. I've been scared too. Plus I never really go anywhere that my friends don't go anyway. The store is down the street.

I put the pizza in the oven and turned on the timer. "OK lets look at my email Kitty." I Opened my e-mail and had a few. Some were from mom and dad and the others were from Nova Teo and their parents. "Hmm. I didn't get any from Revy or the other performers. Strange. Well that's ok they are probably busy practicing." A few minutes later the pizza was done so I took it out and ate 2 pieces and put the rest in the fridge for later. I usually have leftovers for breakfast or dinner.

Finally, it was time for my walk. I changed into some normal clothes and cleaned my hair out then I headed out. "Ah I love fresh air after I get off of work. Even after a nap I said to myself."

I was walking like I normally do then I thought I felt someone following me. I looked behind me there was no one there. Then I continued my walk. Then I felt the presense again. I looked back and said, "Ok who are you? Why are you following me?" I said. There was no answer so I headed back home.

Once I got back home I called Nova. He was still probably eating but it was an emergency. I dialed his number and the phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey its me." I said panicking. "Zee? What up? You sound scared what happened?" "I was on my walk when I felt someone following me. When I asked who they were no response. I felt someone following me I never saw anyone. I hope I'm not being to paranoid." "First Breathe. Your going to be ok. After I eat I will come over. Until then go to your neighbors house just to be safe ok?" "Yeah thank you. Oh she lives 2 doors down from me." "OK I will see you then." We hung up and I said. "Kitty I'm going to leave for a moment ok? You be a good girl." "Meow." "I know I'll miss you too." I Headed to my neighbors house and knocked on her door.

(Knock Knock) "Who is it?" said my neighbors husband. "Its me. Zee." He opened the door and saw how panicked I was. "Come in. Are you ok?" "Not really no." "Sit down on the couch. I will get you some water." "Thanks."

He came back with water, and it looked like they had just finished their dinner. "Sorry to come when you just finished your dinner." "Its ok Zee." Said my neighbor. "It looks like something happened. We will do what we can to help. So what happened?" I took a deep breath and told them what I told Nova and told them what he said to me. "That would be a little scary." Said Christine. "Well I'm glad your friend is coming to help you as well." Said Christine's husband. "Just relax here on the couch until he gets here ok?" "Thank you sir." "No problem."

Nova finally finished his dinner and called his brother. He dialed the number and it rang. "Hello?" "Hey Teo its Nova. Are you done with dinner?" "Yeah what's up?" "Its Zee. The time has finally come that someone is following her." "What? Are you serious?" "Yeah a few minutes ago she called me saying she was being followed. She sounded really scared." "Should I come over?" "If you want to. You don't need to though." "Alright I'm coming anyway you know I will." "Yeah I know. I'm leaving for Zee's house now." "Ok see you there." Then they hung up. He left immediately after the phone call.

My face was all sweaty from panicking. Christine's husband gave me a rag to wipe my face. "Thank you." "Sure. You should calm down or your going to pass out." "I am trying but its hard. Just knowing someone was following me scares the hell out of me." Christine hugged me a little bit.

A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. (Knock Knock) "Who is it?" said Christine. "Its me Nova. I'm here for Zee." She looked at me and I nodded. She opened the door and he came in. "Oh Zee. You look terrible. Thank you both for taking care of her until I got here." "Its no problem at all." Said the husband. "Ok should we go Zee?" "Yeah." Then we walked out the door back to my apartment. I left the door unlocked like I usually do when I am home.

When we got there I saw Teo waiting for me on the couch. "Teo? What are you doing here?" "I heard what happened. Are you ok?" "Just a little panicked is all." I sat on the couch with Nova and Teo. They both hugged me and I started crying cause I was so scared.

After awhile after I calmed down they started talking to me. Nova spoke first. "Do you know anyone who would hurt you Zee?" "Well I am famous so anyone could I don't know anyone who would. All the performers there are friends with me. Unless I pissed off a fan that I don't know of, they probably followed me."

"I have an Idea." Said Nova. Why don't I stay here for the night. I will stay on the couch. I will follow you around all day. You said someone followed you around your night walk right?" "Yes I did." "OK then well I will stay with you until then tomorrow ok? I would suggest you have someone guard you from now on. Weather it's a live in or just standing outside your door." "I already have an idea who. Thanks though." "I will still follow you around. You should let Revy know as well." "Ok I'll call her now." I dialled the number and the phone rang. "Hello?" "Hey Revy its Zee. Something happened and Nova is going to come to the studio tomorrow. He has to follow me around. Someone followed me last night and I don't know who it was." "OK I will expect to pick you both up then. Are you ok?" "Yeah I'll be fine. Thank you." Then we hung up and I said. "OK well you two can stay for the night. Teo you should go home after breakfast ok? Thanks for help guarding me tonight." "Hey no problem. It's the least I can do for you."

It was finally time to get ready for me to go to bed. "Ok well I'm going to get ready for bed. See you guys in the morning." "Night Zee." They both said. "Oh before you guys go to bed, would you mind locking the doors and windows in the living room? Thanks." "We will." Said Teo." "Thanks." So I got my shower and pj's on then went to bed.

Everything seemed fine during the night. It was the next morning I woke up got my shower, got dressed in normal comfortable clothes since its only practice. "Good morning boys." I said. "Oh Nova. You didn't need to make breakfast but thanks." He made some bacon and eggs and toast. "I looked at the time and saw it was a half an hour before Revy came and got me. "Oh shoot. Is it really that time already? Hey Nova. Its half an hour before Revy comes to get me." "Ok then. I'll be ready." "Teo you don't need to rush. Take your time eating then you can head home ok?" "Thanks Zee."

Half an hour later there was a knock at my door. (Knock Knock) "Zee its me." "I'll be right there Revy." "OK are you ready Nova?" "Yep lets go." "Don't forget to lock up before you leave Teo." "Ok sure." So we all headed out the door.

We got in the car. I sat up front with Revy and Nova sat in the back. "So Revy. Have you thought about what the new routine is yet?" "No but I have some Idea's I wrote them down at my studio." "Ok cool." Luckily her studio wasn't far away. It was only 12 miles. "OK here we are." Nova and I got out as well as Revy. "OK Lets go in the back where my studio is." The studio was behind the house.

"Ok so here is the studio. Its been awhile hasn't it?" "Yeah it has. I remember this smell and the look of the studio. Its bringing back some memories." "Haha yeah we had some pretty good ones in high school huh?" It's been a year since we graduated. "Yeah it has. Nova go ahead and sit on the bleachers, ok?" "Alright Zee."

"Ok so here is the list of songs and the routines I have are on my phone. Should we watch first?" "Yeah I think that would be good to see if I think I could do it." I watched the few videos she had and I suggested something. "I like the video's and those dances looked pretty cool. I was thinking about mixing them up and combining the dances and turn it into one dance." "I never thought of that. Yeah that would be cool. Ok so which part should we start off with first. Ok so the first dance I was thinking of doing the second part for the first part of the dance. Lets watch it one more time then practice the whole dance then break it in with the other dance." "Yeah lets do it." We watched the video once more and started practicing the dance. Then eventually we did all the dances which took about an hour and a half then it was break time. "Ok Lets go in the house and take a break." "Come on Nova. We are going inside the house for a break." "Yeah coming." He said. I noticed that Nova was acting strangely. Maybe he felt something or heard something. I'll ask him when we get home.

Once we got inside we had some water and a light snack. "You did good back there Zee." Said Nova. "Thanks I try my hardest with Revy's help. She does the dances with me so if I forget a move she can help me." "Yep that's right. I mostly play the tune but I told her I would dance in practice so I could help her if she needed it in the future." "Oh Revy I forgot to ask. How is your mother feeling?" "Oh she's fine now. The doctors say she just needs to rest." "Oh good. Revy's father died a year ago and now her mom is living on her own. Luckily she doesn't live far so She can check on her once in awhile." "Oh that's good." Said Nova. "Ok ready again Zee?" "Yep ready for our last round of practice." So we went back to practice and did it for the same amount of time. I was huffing and puffing with my hands on my knees I went to sit on the bleaches to calm down and Nova had a water ready. "Thanks Nova." "No problem." Then finally I calmed down after drinking the water. I was really sweaty. Revy threw me a rag to dry off a little. "Thanks Revy." She nodded and dried herself off a little too. "OK well let me drive you two home." We got in the car and she drove us home.

"Ok well see you tomorrow." Said Revy. "Give me a call if the boss needs anything or something comes up with practice ok?" "Yeah sure thing." She drove off and we walked inside the building and headed to my apartment. When we got there I finally asked Nova. "Nova? I noticed you looked a little different when I was practicing the first time. Did you see or hear anything?" "I did sense someone was outside the studio. I wanted to go outside, but I was afraid they would have someone inside to hurt you." "So, I wasn't paranoid. Someone was following me." I said. "If you don't find out tonight, we will have to have Teo call in a favor." "Ok sounds good."

"What do you want to eat for lunch Zee?" "Oh don't worry about it. I usually don't have a full meal. At this time I usually snack on stuff and watch tv with my cat. Darn that cat she is probably in hiding right now. Oh well." "Ok what do you usually have?" "Well just random things. Popcorn celery grapes healthy stuff. I could eat some popcorn since you're here." "OK sounds good." He put the popcorn in the microwave and waited. Once it was done he poured it in a bowl and I turned on a mystery movie that wasn't sherlock homes it was cold case and we shared the popcorn.

"Nova? When you sensed the person outside the studio could you sense if he was dangerous or not?" "No not really. That is why I might need help from Teo if we don't find out tonight.