Chapter 31: Bonus story 8 years later

Well my baby boys are heading off to college now. "Mom please don't cry Jeeze." Said Kei. "Dad do something about mom please." Said Zale. "Haha you kids know how mom is at time like these. Let her have this moment." "Fine." They gave me a hug and saw them off. They decided they wanted to pursue their dreams in the ocean. "5 more years than its your turn Ciel. 2 more it's the girls. Honey they are growing up so fast." "I know its ok." You said you wanted to adopt right?" "You still want to do that?" I nodded. I'm going to call my brother for minute. "Ok go ahead.

I went to my room and called Ace. "Hey Ace. Is sister." "Oh hey sis. How are you?" "Good my boys just went off to college today in the ocean. I'm a little emotional today. Also I am talking to Nova about adopting." "Oh that's good too." "How are your kids brother?" "Oh the girls are fine. The boys are off somewhere with their mom." "I see. That must be nice." "Did you get them bunkbed?" "Yeah I did. I'm going to have to get a 3 one soon. She's pregnant again. Not sure if its twins or not. We got to the doctor in a few days to find out." "Oh conrats brother. I'm happy for you." "Thanks sis." "Would that be cool if one was a boy and one a girl that way you can have a 3 bunk bed in each room. Hehe." "Well it would be the first set of twins we have." After my brother left for the house it was a year later that we found out he was pregnant. They are all a year apart except for the last 2 who are 2 years. The first two are 7 and 6 the other 2 are 5 and 3. The girls are the youngest. His girls names are lily who is the youngest, Ivy the 5 year old. The boys names are Ash and Orion. The older one is Ash. "Are you busy right now?" "Actually the girls are playing nicely I can talk for a bit." "Ok then thanks." Then I told him about how time is flying and how emotional I have been. "Oh sister. You will always feel like that no matter what. Its part of life." "I know. Its more of happy tears and sad tears mixed in. Hehe. OK enough complaining thanks for listening when we do decide to adopt I'll call you ok?" "See you sis." "Yeah bye." Then we hung up and I joined Nova and my girls and 1 boy.

The next day we sent the kids off to school then got home and talked about adopting. "You know Zee. Once we adopt it will be hard to go into the ocean right?" "Actually I was thinking of maybe asking them for us to look at he ocean creature kids." "Oh well good idea." They have a section just for them there right?" "Yes and they only come together to eat. Some even made friends with the other creatures." "Yeah that's nice. Ok do we want a baby Toddler or what age do we want them? In their single digests down to birth." "So when do we want to go?" "Lets call them and make an apt for the weekend ok? That way the kids can come with us." "Good Idea." I made the call and got ahold of someone. Then we made the appointment and waited for the kids to come home to tell them. Finally it was about time for the kids to come home. Nova and I waited for the kids on the bus to come inside.

A few minutes later we met the kids outside with smiles. "Hello boy and girls. How was school?" "It was great!" said Ciel. Then he told them all about his day and the girls did the same. "I see. Sounds like you all had a good day. We have good news too. This weekend we are going to the orphanage to pick out 2 boys to adopt. They will be younger than Ciel. They would be around your uncle Aces kids ages." "Yes! I won't have to be the baby anymore. You can stop calling me your baby now right mom?" "Well you will all be my babies no matter how old you get. I already told your older brothers growing up as well. They were just like you Ciel." "Yeah I know mom. Zale didn't' mind much but Kei was like me. Didn't like to be called a baby." "I'll tell you what I will work on not calling you a baby ok? I'll just call you Ciel. Is that ok?" "Thanks mom." "Hehe your welcome. These kids will be kids of ocean creatures. We are going to a special orphanage where they keep kids of our kind and others. That means girls. If your new brothers want to go in the ocean with you, you have to watch them ok?" "(sigh.) Yes mom." Said Kaia. Gaia was actually excited to have a couple of little brothers. "Hey mom? Can we pick out our brothers?" "Oh honey mommy and daddy will do that. You can go and say hi to the other kids and visit sometime." "Ok thanks mom."

The weekend finally came and we were getting in the car to get ready to the orphanage. "Ok kids buckled up?" "Yeah mom lets go." They all said. So Nova drove off.

We made it to the orphanage. The place looked a little shabby. We met the lady who we talked to on the phone then met in the room full of kids the ages I wanted. Everyone from 9 to a baby. The lady was talking to them while the kids were looking around. Ciel found a boy in the corner all by himself.

"Hey there. My name is Ciel. What is your name?" "My name is Kawaki. I'm 6 years old." "Nice to meet you Kawaki. I am 13. MY parents and my sisters are here to adopt a couple of brothers. Can I introduce you to my parents?" "Yes sure." "Well come on then." Kawaki followed Ciel over to his parents. "Mom dad. This is Kawaki. He is 6 years old. I found him in the corner by himself." "Oh I see. Hello Kawaki. MY name I Zee. This here is Nova. We are Ciels parents. Nice to meet you. If you don't mind can you tell me what sea creature you are?" "No one knows what I am. I am a human with gills and have webbed hands and feet. That's all." Said Kawaki. "I see." Then Zee looks up at the lady. "WE looked at every possible book we can think of we ourselves don't know. His parent's were killed when he was a baby. Someone found him and brought him here." "I see so he has been here his whole life?" "Yes." I looked up and Nova and he nodded. "Well Kawaki. Would you like to be part of our family? We might know a few people who can figure out what you are." "Can I?" "Of course you can. You look like your get along with our son Ciel just fine." "Thank you. I will go pack my bags." "Woah woah wait a minute Kawaki. We don't know when you will be going yet." "Oh sorry. I forgot." "Its fine. Its understandable you got excited and forgot. Remember you are not the only one she is bringing." "Oh right. Sorry." Then I saw the girls getting along with another little boy.

"Hey there little one. What's your name?" "My name Kaiko. My brover is Waki." "Aww so sweet. He talks so adorable." Said Kaia. "Your brother is Kawaki?" "Yep." "How old are you little one?" said Gaia. "I 4 year old." "Oh your 4. Can we introduce you to our mommy and daddy? You will also have another big brother." The little boy got up and followed them. "Mom dad this is…" Before Gaia can say anymore Kawaki said, Kaiko what are you doing here?" "Big sis Kaia say come here." "Oh I see." Zee and Nova. This si Kaiko my half brother so I was told. When he first came here." "I see. Nice to meet you Kaiko. How old are you?" "I 4 year old." "Aww he's so cute." Kawaki would it be trouble if he brought him along?" "Go ahead. Even if it seems like he annoys me he is still my little brother. I don't don't want him growing up here all his life either. Oh and he is a sea serpent but in human form." "OK seems like we got our boys. Now what is the process of taking them home? Well first would be for you to see them in human form then we will make an appointment for you to pick them up. How does that sound?" "It sounds perfect. Right Nova?" "Right." "Before we do this why sea creatures." Well since our kids our old enough now and the girls grew into them awhile ago. WE are mermaids. My husband and I and our kids. WE didn't want to stay on land unless we had too. All of our friends and family are mostly merpeople." "I see. That makes since. Well we do have a pool area where the kids like to show off. WE have two separate ones. I will let you use the private one we use for this situation."

WE got to the pool area and the 3 boys dove in. My son and the two boys I was to adopt. "Sorry about that. My son can be a little troublesome." "Its ok I'm glad I won't be seeing him in a corner by himself anymore." "Yes he has a friend now." "Mind if we go in as well to join them?" "Of course not go ahead." The rest of us dove in as well and it was like a big tank where the lady can see us.

"Oh my Kawaki I see what you mean. Interesting. I think I have seen someone like you back when I was a little girl. I don't know what ever happened to him. Don't worry we will definitely find out what you are ok?" "Thank you." "Hey Kaiko wait up!" The girls were with Kaiko and we rushed over there with them. "Oh I see what you mean." (Kaiko was like on the episode of Naruto the see monster with isaribi on Naruto) "How do you feel about what you are Kaiko?" Said Nova. "I love it. What about you Kawaki?" "I think it suits you little brother." "Haha thanks. Yours does too." "Aww thanks little brother." He patted Kaiko's head. "Oh once I take you guys home I want to introduce you to my brother who is human but he knows about us so its ok. He has a son your age Kawaki and he has a little girl who is 3 years old 1 year younger than Kaiko." He also has another boy who is 7 and a girl who is 5 and their mom is going to have another baby we will find out soon if its twins." "Oh cool." Said Kawaki. "I'd love to meet my future cousins." "I'm sure they will be happy to meet you too." "Oops that's the bell. That means its time to get out of the pool." Then everyone finally got out and turned human. They dry instantly. "My goodness Zee. You and your daugheters fins are a beauty. Your son's is a beautiful color too." "Oh thanks." Ciel had a Blue and green mix tail.

So we made our appointment to when we pick up the kids and headed back home. "So kids. Are you all happy now?" "Thanks mom and dad." They all 3 said in unison. "Sure thing kids. Oh and they will be sharing your room Ciel. They are going to take your brothers part of the bunks." "Fine with me mom." "Ok good." "Well its been a long day. I'm going to take a nap." "Kids why don't you go to your rooms and rest awhile. Ciel you should clean it so they can see the room." "Yes dad I know." "Good when I wake up myself I want to see a clean room. You girls too." "Yes dad." So he went to his room and the kids started cleaning.

2 hours later Zee and Nova woke up. "Hmm. Nova?" "Yes honey I'm still here." "You really think we did the right thing?" "Well I wasn't sure at first, then I saw Kawaki's face. I knew it was right to take him in. He reminds me of myself when I was his age." "Hehe. I remember. A little rebellious Nova. Hehe." "Hey you come here." Then he started tickling me then he kissed me. I got deeper and deeper. "Ok OK the kids are still up you know. Lets save it for tonight." "Ok but you better be quiet." "Yeah I know." We both went out of our rooms and knocked on Ciels door first. (Knock Knock) "Ciel? Is your room clean?" NO answer. Nova opened the door and saw the room was clean including the closets and under the bed. "Good boy Ciel." Said Nova then they left him to sleep. Then they went to the girls room. (Knock Knock.) "Girls?" I said. No answer so she walked in and saw the room was cleaned too everything was put way. Then they left them to sleep. Then we went to the living room to sit down.

"Well they must have had a long day as well." I said. "Yeah we all did. Shouldn't we call your brother?" "Oh yeah!" I got the house phone and called Ace. I told him what the kids names were and what they were. When we would be picking them up. "Ok sis. We will meet you there." "Ok thanks Ace."

A week later it was time to pick the kids from the orphanage up. "Ok you 3 ready?" "'Yes mom!" that all said including Nova. Then Nova drove off.

We finally made it to the Orphanage. We saw the kids waiting for us with their suitcases. Kaiko said goodbye to his friends we did some paperwork for a trial run for the first 4 months then we can officially adopt them. We took the luggage and put it in the back the boys sat in a seat and buckled up. "Bye Mrs. Runner. Thank you." "OK boys be good you hear?" "Yes. Bye." So we closed the door and headed for home.

We got home and my brother Ace was waiting for us. Not only him but mom and dad got word and my brothers came as well. Kaiko and Kawaki. This is my brother Ace and his wife Nixie. These are the kids I was telling you bout. Kawaki is 6 years old. "Oh my age." Said Orion. "Hello my name is Orion. I'm 6 too. How old is your little brother?" "Oh he is 4. His name is Kaiko." "Oh my sister Lily is 3. Lily Lily! Oh there you are. This is Kaiko he is 4 years old." "Oh hello I'm Lilly." "Hello lily." "These are my younger brothers River and Ocean." "Nice to meet you both." Said Kawaki.""Likewise Kawaki and Kaiko." "Woah nice Accent. Its almost perfect." "Yeah we grew up in the ocean. So our accent is pretty good." "So what creatures are you?" said River. "Oh We don't know what I am yet. But my little brother it human Sea Serpent. Oh really? How cool. I've wanted to see one in person." Said Ocean. Well maybe I will show you another time when Ace and the others aren't here. I would love to go swimming with you both." "Yeah sounds cool."