The nice and warm tail bed. Yes I am using fumi and ahiri tail. Even though I said that I am fine they just want to stick together with me. I feel bad for Shiro and kuro though, since my bed is a bit small they can't fit in.
If it's not their rotation day, they have ear drop depressingly every night. It's pain to see that. So I make sure to remember that I will request bigger bed to dwarfs.
And you may asked you sleep? Well what to do you mean. It's boring to stayed all night, I have no game, no manga and no internet at all. So even if I don't have to sleep I have to. It make it easier to passed time.
What the?
I am sure I was sleeping, why am I?
Where am I?
I am falling, I can't see its a... Dream?
I hit the ground, ugh its suffocating. I can't- breathe- Let me bre- the
*Deep Breath* Haaa haa- what was that?
I look around and I am in some kind of isolation room or something. I can't hear any thing beside myself. Everything is white even the sky. It's tripping my eye.
I walk a bit, but whenever I walked a step. I don't feel like I have moved at all. I take another step but it's all the same. All white, I pinch myself to wake up. I slap myself. But I still seeing this all white things.
Even if I closed my eye, I can still feel the brightness of a white light.
What is this?
Stop- Stop this madness!!
?@$ : Is ThiS alL YoU CoUlD dO?
I see a being? a thing? Abomination? A large wing with many eyes and have a sphere halo warping its eye, wheel of halo have many eyes. Many limbs from its wheel. Rotating and waving and staring at me.
What is this? Why is this even a thing? Its have white wings fluttering around its wings. Its giving me terror. Unknown being? Entity? Colored around the whole place its changing, warping all around rainbow.
This being is beautiful- No no no i clutched my head and averted my eye. This thing, i dont know what purpose or what its doing here.
What do you want from me ?!?
$@$ : JuSt HeRE To SeE If ThUo WoRt$Hy Of MiNE Po#@r
What is this being even saying its loud and quiet at the same time. Its have a sweet, rough, childish and adult voice. Its like i am speaking to a 10 people at the same time.
I look at this being again. It- it changed. Human head with many wings, 7 pair of wings and a many pait of arms coming from its head. Its have no mouth nor eyes. The whole face is blank. It have no other body parts. Rather than head and arm coming from behind its head.
A giant halo above its head covered in red colour, its slowly turing into blue and so. Wings have many eye- too much eyes staring at me. I am staring to go insane. This being why its doing this to me?
Get out Get out Get Out!!!
@$#_@# : MInE NaMe Is Z@#$K$&\ , i WiLl GiVe YOu MiNe TrIaLs.
I look away and ran away from this being but infront me is this being with another form. Its have 13 pairs of tentacles like segmented arms waving like a wing with a huge eye in the middle with many little eyes in it.
A huge halo again this time its warped to its eye and rotating like a wheel. Its staring at me again stop Stop!! I open my eye and i am inside a box with a- a- Gahh!!
Its slash my arm off dammit! A white and tall man with a huge claw its body is slender. And have no face with a large horn above his head. I have no weapon? I dodge and make sure he didnt scratch me with those claw.
My arm is not regenerating! And its hurts- i cant i look at my arm and see a white liquid pouring out. This is not a blood, what is this. My severed arm have turned into a white sand. This is not good.
I grab the sand, i dont know what to do. That being is watching me haven't do anything yet. I can feel its mocking gaze, i feel so weak. It can finish me but its looking forward to my useless struggle.
If- If i die i can get out from this dream right? Right? If i get kill i can get out. Screw you abomination. I ran toward the creature but my body stop. And rewind. I am standing in front with the creature again. My arm are healed.
Creature put his claw forward and gonna slash me again.
( 10 attempts )
I cant die, they are rewinding time every time i die. This creature cant be killed with bare hand.
( 25 attemptes )
I have enough having me almost dying many time. I am finding a way to exit rather than fighting head on with this creature. And i can use my ability at all. Even my body is my old body, my male body.
Every time i die my body is slimming down. My hand are almost look like my female form now. My memory are fading, this thing is doing something!!
And i rewind, though its supposed to be. I walk while rewinding. I have try this many times. But didnt work i ran into creature and punch while i was rewinding. Something happen the creature body its shriveling as if look like its aging.
It touch its head and seem to be in pain and slowy melted into bone and dust. I was out from the box. And see the being again. This time with human female body, with 4 eye and large mouth almost reaching the jaw. With sharp teeth and have a spike halo on her head.
She have a pair of arm from her behind, on her stomach and her shoulder. Her eye are all white. She have no leg, she is flying by the wheels with wings surrounding her. Her hair are like water pouring from her head.
$@& : SpLEnDiD YOu HaVe pAssEd The FirSt trIaL.
@$#&@ : By ThE NaME of T$#e L$#& Zak#$@eL i GrAnT YoU T$#&@
She smile with a mouth rising upward creepy and her arm motioned as to congrate me. Part of her wings melted and flew toward me and combined with me and disappeared.
Za#&@&L : TrIaL 2 WiLl StaRt iF yOu ARe MeT wiTH coNDItIons FaReWell
As she said her goodbye and the whole place is collapsing into piece by piece. It disappeared leaving dust. I am stunned, i make sure not to look at this being too much. This being is dangerous. Its say farewell. But how will i get out?
As i fall with collpase white tile into a black abyss waiting under me.
(??D! #) _@9)
I wake up, its still at mid night. Why did i even wakeup? I am not a morning person for sure. I feel like i have a important dream. Which i cant remember. If I can't remember it's not that important right~~
I closed my eye back and cuddle with little Fumi tail. She moan a bit. This cheeky little fox.
/ Name - Lura Tempest
Race - Pink Slime Girl
Gender - Female
Crest - Strom Crest, Chaos Crest
Internal Storage - 300 / 20, 000
Job - Slime Noble Lv 1
Family - Rimuru Tempest ( Contracted brother ), Veldora Tempest
Title - Slime Princess,
Dragon Slayer ( Incomplete ),
Carrier of virtue, Child of Chaos,
Those who surpass the time
Skills - Slime Contract ( Max 10 ) ,
Force Command,
Humanification (SS) ,
Magic Enchant (S) ,
Pink Acid (B) ,
Web Creation (B) ,
Chimera Breath (C) ,
Fluid Control (A) ,
Perfect Armour (S) ,
Basic Magic(E) ,
Lightning magic(D) ,
Holy Magic (C) ,
Dark Magic (C) ,
Telepathy (A) [Ultrasonic combine with this]
Passive Skills -
Magic Resistance°°° (C) ,
Pain Immunity (SSS)
Area Perception (S)
Racial skill -
Royal Slime (S)
Enlarge (B)
Solidify (B)
Morph (SS)
Absorption (C)
dissolve (A)
self-Regen (C)
Unquie skill -
Akashic Record (Record Eater, Magic Eater) ( incomplete ) (U)
Patience (U)
Time (U)
/ Analysising unknown factor have been intruding into host mind /
/ Eliminating unknown factor.... Failed
Retry.... Failed
Solution... Failed
Negotiation.... Failed
Overwriting.... Failed
Eliminating unkown factor failed /
/ Solution no. 30012 kill host... Not possible.
Solution no. 99999 kill the origin..... Error.... Error.... Error...
Akashic record have been damaged
Recovery time : 3 Days /
/ Temporarily solution
Coexist with unkown factor /
/ Giving authority to Anna.... COMPLETED /
/ Shutting down... /
/ 72: 59: 99 /
\ Fool! Fine leave it to me.
Why do you even want to fight such a thing that only your creator can kill.
Hah you better give me something in exchange Akashic
Even if I part of you, I am still me.
I am Magic Eater Grimore, now I am Anna \
\ Still how did Lura attracted such a being
Even me have no chance of getting close to its 1%
Hopefully nothing is going to happen or else I will regret my decision
Don't disappoint me Lura \