An old friend

The man in the suit reacted quickly grabbing his sword from his waist he blocked the sword just in time before herobrine chopped of his head.

"now only 1 person can stop a sword that close" herobrine said putting down his sword.

"how long has it been" the man said putting his sword back and went in for a hug.

"I don't remember us being that close" herobrine said pushing him away.

"don't be like that" the man replied putting his hand down and hugging herobrine.

"OK that's enough" herobrine said as he stopped the man from hugging him.

"you know these two criminals" the guard was shocked by what he was seeing the person he new all his life be friends with some imfamous criminal.

"yes got a problem with that" the man in the suit said with a stern tone. "and anyway they did most of there bad stuff on an anarchy server so there crimes will not count here"

"but general" the guard was cut of by a kick in the stomach he was sent flying back into the wooden gate cracking it and the guards chestpeice cracked and fell off and was knocked out.

"I new you where strong but you where never that strong" herobrine was shocked as he scrach his head searching threw his memories if he was mistaken.

"I don't know how but after I went to a fighting tournament I have been getting stronger and my skills have been improving faster then ever."