The problem

"so where is this god server" herobrine said letting William go back to his group.

"I will show you" william walked up the the obolisc and showed which server he needed to go on.

Before herobrine left he got out 3 small iron golams and placed them on the ground and whispered to them"protect my thrown" they begun the grow 500 blocks in the air.

"i have never seen anything like that before"

"it is a gift from an old friend I only have 2 left now"

"if you only have 2 left why did you use 3"

"because this thrown took a very long time to make and it has a lot of weapons inside it the only bad thing is I ain't able to move it to different servers"

"OK let's go"

Walking from the obolisc in the god server it wasn't what he expected.

"how the hell is a server full of gods and there is only one building"

"the main kingdom is north."

"then why are we here"

"because it has been taken over"

"for gods on a server you lot are rubbish"

"you will under stand inside"

After walking inside William was giving something and they headed to an empty meeting room.

"what's that you got given"

"it is the block of bedrock it stores peoples god powers if they are moving servers. We don't have a legendary weapon like yours that gives you god powers on any server."

Gold mist started coming out of the bedrock and into William after a few seconds the block of bedrock disappeared.

Before they could start anouther questions the someone walked into the meeting room.

"herobrine it is nice to see you have came I am called Ava the leader of the god server"

"I would like to get this problem finished so I can get my legendary weapon and leave"

"has William cleared you up on anything"

"no he hasn't he hadn't said a would about the problem"

"We a calling it vampire they have in handsed speed, agility, strength, and we believe some have special powers"

"and how did this start"

"one of our colleagues found a legendary weapon in the nether and it was to much of him to handle. He went mad he had no control over himself and started drinking the blood form people. He was still able to use his god powers increasing his speed more and his strength even more and the victims he didn't kill they turned into vampires as well some of these obtained special powers we believe all who are bit by him gain a different special power we are calling them the cursed and all who a bit by the curse also gain the power the cursed how bit them but the people that have been turned by the curse can not pass on their powers"

"what" herobrine was now confused from the amount of things he had heard.

"I know it is complicated but you will understand. Not everyone looses their minds some get twisted, so they are no longer the person they used to be but till have some sanity left and others who still the same person but have been turned"