A nice one

The house wasn't of great size it was quite small with no windows and a flat roof it didn't even look like it could have 2 rooms.

Walking inside there was a nearly dead pig laying.

"because that's not creepy" herobrine said firing a sword at its head to put it out of its misery.

"the person that lives here is probably out to get anouther meal he will be back soon." Ava said sitting in a chair and getting her scythe out "you three guard the house and report back if you see anything"

The 3 of them walked outside weapons in hand.

"so who are we waiting for Ava"

"I should probably tell you before you meet him. He is called Trevor he has a long beard that reaches his feet and long hair that also reach his feet with a bald top head and wears a white robe. But the thing you might find interesting is that he is a vampire"

"what do you mean a vampire we are waiting to get killed" herobrine started shouting at Ava.

"it isn't like that he still has his mind intact. And he is a good friend of mine he has been around much longer then I have been alive and even raised me when my parents died at the age of 8"

"ok no need to put your life story in a simple question"

After a long time the sun began to set and one of the guards walked in.

Ava stood up and walked outside with Jacob "it's such a good thing that they can't speak" herobrine said sarcastically.

Walking out with Ava a man to Ava's description was walking towards the house but the thing she missed out was that he had obsidian where his skin should be. (when I mean skin I mean as skin not a Minecraft skin)

"hello again Ava good to see the mutes are still alive" travor said waving' god sake why did she have to bring them along' he though covering up his bad intentions with a smile.

After rentering the house herobrine was still confused. "you know Ava you could of mentioned he had obsidian skin it would of been nice to know"

Travor sat down on his bed. "she hasn't seen me much with obsidian skin it was after I was turned by the legendary weapon holder before everyone was aware of them I told them about what happened I was experimented on willingly of cause and then the barrier was put up."

"so are you one of the people that got powers"

"yes I actually turned a few other people to save there life but saddly none of them kept there sanity"

"why where you out"

"I was hunting for animals for blood. Because most of the humans are scared of me and won't give me blood willingly so I have to hunt animals"

"so where is the animal"

"Well I found a chicken and drank it's blood I was going to bring a cow home but it was night time"

"what's wrong with it being dark outside"