a psychopath

SHE PANTS AGGRESSIVELY after yelling her lungs out with eyes filled with fury, while Connor stays seated on his chair, staring up with calm eyes.

"Then how do you explain the events that took place last night?"

She becomes quiet.

"Do you think the ground shook because there was an earthquake?" He yells back at her and she seemingly goes silent, looking away from his intimidating eyes.

Little does Connor know that she doesn't grow quiet because he talked sense into her but because she has finally found her escape item.

A car key lays right beside Connor on the kitchen counter.

That is her way of getting out of his crazy talk and she is not missing it.

"But Gemma, Geo and I will not watch either Kai or the gods get to you, that is why we are here to help. We watched you grow up and we have seen the hardship you have been through along with your parents, so we won't let anything happen to you, you can trust us." Connor speaks with uttermost sincerity.

Aubrey pretends to comply and starts walking forward, towards him but her mind is centered on the magnificent bunch of keys.

She stops in front to Connor, with the counter separating them. "Okay. I understand." She says, staring solemnly into his eyes. "What should I do to live?"

"We need to get you far away from Kai and also to a place where the gods do not know about and will not be able to reach you. Away from anything and anyone that would lead Kai to you. I would have to call—"

Aubrey stops him from speaking any further. "Connor?" She trails.

"What?" He answers.

She begins inching her hands slowly towards the car keys on the counter. She is getting out of there, and going to hug her loved ones for as long as she can.

"I am going home."

With that statement out of her mouth, she grabs the car keys in an instant, running towards the kitchen door.

Connor also gets on his feet to chase her but Aubrey is already out of the house and running towards the black car.

With her barefooted aching feet, she does not slow down as she fumbles with the keys in her hands, heading towards the car door. She presses the button, opening up the car. Before she gets in, she doesn't hear Connor's footsteps coming after her but she doesn't dare to turn around and check.

Once she settles into the driver's seat, she is not sure what to do as she has never driven a car before. Without thinking, she forcefully inserts the key into the ignition, turning it on. She sits there panicking for some seconds when the car doesn't move.

"Dammit! How does a car move?" She yells, hitting the steering wheel hard.

Wheels turn in her head and she remembers the gear has to be in drive first. Soon after, the car starts moving. She looks towards the empty streets for the first time, noticing how different it is from Elm's street.

She removes her feet from the brakes, turns the steering wheel, driving straight out into the streets. The car is unable to accelerate for some few seconds which gets Aubrey frustrated.

She doesn't waste a second to turn around to see if Connor is watching her leave. She also has no idea where she is going but all she knows is that she is driving as far away as possible, then she would find the next thing to do.

Slowly, Aubrey's heart rate starts to normalize and she feels relaxed that she has gotten away from him. Aubrey slowly puts the car to a stop as she stares at the wide, busy roads at the T-junction. She has never driven before and on top that, she has never traveled to another country.

She never expected her visit to Australia would be an abduction. 

Aubrey draws in a deep breath, timing the moving cars before merging into the lane. Once she is in the lane, she continues driving straight. She soon becomes restless when she sees the road sign boards with the name 'Sydney' on them.

How was she thrown into a plane, taken into a taxi and brought to a different country while she was asleep?

With one hand on the steering wheel, she brushes her hand through her brown hair, frustrated. She presses her barefoot on the gas pedal, making the car accelerate faster.

The climax of the situation hits her when she finds herself driving on an empty street, with trees and forests around.

"How do I get home?" She pants, with tears forming in her eyes. She hastily looks around to find another road path but she sees nothing but trees. She groans out loud as she feels defeated. She has already been stressed out with her college life but these psychos made it worse.

An idea pops into her head and she starts looking about inside the car, trying to find some sort of item that can help her situation. She sights a neatly placed box on the passenger seat and with a free hand, she opens it up only to find nothing.

She turns her head all the way to the backseat to begin searching, whilst a hand on the steering wheel.

She knows how dangerous it is to drive without paying attention to the road but the expected forms of accidents are not what she encounters.

Suddenly, the car comes to a halt and she is thrown forward.

Her head comes in contact with the steering wheel, her body also slams against it from the force. She winces in pain from the impact and it takes a minute before she regains full consciousness. She can feel something warm running down her face and it scares her to think that it is blood.

She slowly raises her head up, still in a slight daze. With a pained frown on her face, she squints her eyes at what she hit.

What surprises her is the fact it is not a thing but Connor standing still in front of her. His angry gaze seems to pierce right through her skull. 

A soft gasp escapes her lips as she watches him two feet away.

He couldn't have been the one who stopped her car, right?

If Aubrey hadn't believed in supernatural happenings, well now she does and that somehow, she has entangled herself with the gods. The scariest part; there is no escape.

She shuts her eyes for a second, silently hoping that all of it is a dream.