There is no other

AUBREY EXHALES WHEN SHE NOTICES THE EXPIRATION DATE ON THE PACK OF MEAT. "Everything on this shelf already expired three nights ago."

Her brother peaks his head out of the shelf, "Really? That's unlike this store." He walks from where he is stood towards his sister to check the goods himself.

She sighs, pushing the shopping cart with her, "I guess we would be having no beef tonight then—"

"Yes! Thank God!" Brady jubilates before she finishes her sentence. "Turkey it is then!"

Aubrey halts in her steps, turning around to give her brother a threatening look, "You know what?"

"What?" He answers, happily dancing beside her as he reaches to take the cart from her.

"I think you picked this convenient store because you knew they would have expired goods." She squints her eyes at him.