The world would


Not because of a public holiday or because it's a snow day, but because the whole town is in chaos.

It's all over the news— the death of sixty-two students and five professors at precisely 10:30 on a Wednesday morning. The issue only gets escalated because no one knows or understands the cause of their deaths— the biggest mystery in Mid-Bayern. Memories were wiped, traces that the mythical creature appeared was also wiped; there's no single hint as to why the only university in Mid-Bayern lost a total of sixty-two in just three minutes.

Was it a plague?

Or was it an occult thing?

Secret mass murders? Or was it a drug influence?

Those are the whispers of the whole town in the past two days ago— the news doesn't seem to die down as people come up with different theories and rumors to explain what happened at the school and as the affected families mourn the death of their children from all over the country.