makes you feel happy

ONCE AUBREY GETS TO THE DOORS OF THE LECTURE HALL, she hurriedly pushes the door open and nearly bumps into a policeman who is walking out of the hall at the moment. When she hears the man grunt after the door made harsh contact with his chest, her eyes widen, knowing that the attention she has been trying to avoid will come down on her now after her silly, clumsy mistake. She sights her professor standing beside the officer and he appears to be escorting the man out.

"I'm so sorry, officer." She quickly apologizes, briefly making eye contact with the young male with black eyes and dark hair. She quickly tries to dodge anymore exchange of words as she hurries past him into her class but the officer calls her back.

"You should be more careful next time, young lady." His deep voice sounds and it makes the hairs on Aubrey's arm stand.