she has to

MR. VINCENT CONTINUES, "Just saying this for the few of you who may be wondering what the S in Harry S. Truman stands for," He pauses, stopping in his tracks to stare straight at them, "Well it really is just an S. It doesn't stand for anything." Some of the students chuckle at his little, harmless joke but Aubrey keeps a very straight face. "But the main issue and the reason for this trip is not his name." He begins pacing back and forth with a small smile. "What went wrong? How one of the greatest leaders America has had, became recorded as the poorest of all presidents?"

"Isn't it obvious?" A male amongst the students speaks up, raising his pale hand to catch attention, "He should have never opened the shop, I mean come on, he didn't need it." He scoffs, causing most students to laugh but Aubrey's frown remains.